ZAHEDAN: A competition of Hifz (memorizing Quran by heart) and reciting Qura’n with the best sound (Tajweed) was held at Darululoom Zahedan University.
Mahshad: The Iranian authorities have released Sheikh Ali Reza Rasouoli, the young Sunni scholar of Khurasaan province in Mashhad city on Saturday, 10th of April, after being detained 32 days in jail.
The second term exam at Darululoom Zahedan University had begun at 3rd April on Saturday, and ended at 8th April on Thursday.
The elder brother of the Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammad Qasim Qasimi (Chairman of Dar-ul-Iftaa Darululoom University of Zahedan and professor of Hadeeth) Mr. Abdul Qadir has passed away in Karachi, Pakistan. The deceased had been on bed for a long time for seeking treatment in a Karachi hospital.
Zahedan: “The Sunni community of Iran extremely worried regarding discrimination behavior in job appointment and other fields of life and abuses which are being given to the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Mothers of the Believers as well.” The great Sunni leader while talking to audience of the largest Sunni mosque expressed his […]
Mashhad: Iranian authorities have detained Molawi “Ali Reza Rasouli,” the young Sunni scholar here on Wednesday from his home in northeast of Iran, Mashhad, sources said “SunniOnline”.
heikh Abdul Hameed, chairman of Darululoom Zahedan, has mentioned in his speech at the annual gathering of university students from different universities of Iran the life of the Prophet and his companions (may Allah be pleased with them) and said: “Their lives were filled with good and blessings and they are symbols of all Muslims, […]
Zahidan: The annual gathering of Sunni students has been held in the largest Islamic university of Ahl-e-Sunnat, Darululoom Zahidan, Iran.
Tehran: The representative of Tehran in the Shura Council Mehdi Kuchekzadeh has abused the Mother of the Believers Aishah Seddiqah (may Allah be pleased with her) in a debate program.
Tehran: Writing a letter to the Minister of Culture and Guidance The Sunni members of Iranian Parliament (Shura Council) condemned and objected the abusive which committed by some newspapers and magazines against the sanctities of the Sunnis in recent times.