Many of the policies of the Iranian government are not a solution of the problems.Now, it is the time to change these wrong policies, also, the rulers must remove discrimination treatment. Mulana Ismaeelzahi said while dellivering speech in a honoring ceremony to becoming graduates of Khadijat-ul-Kubra girls Islamic School nearby Iranshahr city.
The most important claims of the Sunnis in Iran, which we insist upon is that our legitimate rights should be given to us. The Sunnis always have been subjected to discrimination, govt did not give them their proper required status, with in thirty years since coming out the revolution period the Sunni community has been kept for away the key seats in management of the country. He pointed out that in local offices the given share is very limited.
He added: “All the Sunnis in Iran are Iranians since past till today, they have sacrificed their souls in defending of their country and boundaries. They fought against foreigners, the British and defended their homeland, so the government must participate them in inauguration of the civil administration of the country. Continued Shaykh: We like to see our future as weel as the future of our children bright and shine. It must not come in our minds that Sunni elites are bereaved from posts because of their beliefs.
Shaykh Abdul Hameed Delegated and said: except some articals the Iranian constitution did differentiate between Sunnis and Shiahs only rarely, but the distincting treatment is bieng carried out in implementation of Constitution, which caused the concern and worries of the Sunnis. What I am saying only my demand, rather the elites and dignitaries of Sunni community demanded it all. He demanded: There must be feasible platform to criticize such unlawfull activities and there should be some moves towards dialogues and negotiation, it is better to solve problems rather than putting objections on each other. We certainly know, most of the policies are not crane of the problems. they must be replaced and changed. Carrying out such tyrannical policies is to keep far away the Sunnis from key posts in the country. The goingon situation in Iran which accured after the presidential election asks the officials to reconsider their policies.
“We want to employ in the armed forces as the Sunnis in the former regime who were employed in high positions in the armed forces. We love our country and commiserate for it and we have been demanding officials to reconsider the issues of the Sunnis and resolve their problems.” Sheikh Abdul Hamid said.
He pointed at the end: The biggest concern which Sunnis are facing is religious freedom. We Should enable to teach and study the rulings of Islam and the teachings of our religion to our children in every region of the country with total freedom, and to observe the Friday, Eid and the five prayers without any balk. Let the religious schools maintain its independence and do not interfere to the management of any institution, mosque and religious school. All of these our legitimate rights, we will not go beyond our legitimate rights. He added: We do not have – except few representatives members of the Council – an institution or center in the capital to pursue our issues and we believe that these problems can not be solved without having official presence in the capital to follow the solution of these problems by bringing forth it to the officials in the capital.
The most important claims of the Sunnis in Iran, which we insist upon is that our legitimate rights should be given to us. The Sunnis always have been subjected to discrimination, govt did not give them their proper required status, with in thirty years since coming out the revolution period the Sunni community has been kept for away the key seats in management of the country. He pointed out that in local offices the given share is very limited.
He added: “All the Sunnis in Iran are Iranians since past till today, they have sacrificed their souls in defending of their country and boundaries. They fought against foreigners, the British and defended their homeland, so the government must participate them in inauguration of the civil administration of the country. Continued Shaykh: We like to see our future as weel as the future of our children bright and shine. It must not come in our minds that Sunni elites are bereaved from posts because of their beliefs.
Shaykh Abdul Hameed Delegated and said: except some articals the Iranian constitution did differentiate between Sunnis and Shiahs only rarely, but the distincting treatment is bieng carried out in implementation of Constitution, which caused the concern and worries of the Sunnis. What I am saying only my demand, rather the elites and dignitaries of Sunni community demanded it all. He demanded: There must be feasible platform to criticize such unlawfull activities and there should be some moves towards dialogues and negotiation, it is better to solve problems rather than putting objections on each other. We certainly know, most of the policies are not crane of the problems. they must be replaced and changed. Carrying out such tyrannical policies is to keep far away the Sunnis from key posts in the country. The goingon situation in Iran which accured after the presidential election asks the officials to reconsider their policies.
“We want to employ in the armed forces as the Sunnis in the former regime who were employed in high positions in the armed forces. We love our country and commiserate for it and we have been demanding officials to reconsider the issues of the Sunnis and resolve their problems.” Sheikh Abdul Hamid said.
He pointed at the end: The biggest concern which Sunnis are facing is religious freedom. We Should enable to teach and study the rulings of Islam and the teachings of our religion to our children in every region of the country with total freedom, and to observe the Friday, Eid and the five prayers without any balk. Let the religious schools maintain its independence and do not interfere to the management of any institution, mosque and religious school. All of these our legitimate rights, we will not go beyond our legitimate rights. He added: We do not have – except few representatives members of the Council – an institution or center in the capital to pursue our issues and we believe that these problems can not be solved without having official presence in the capital to follow the solution of these problems by bringing forth it to the officials in the capital.