ZAHEDAN: In a series of pressure on the Sunnis in Iran, Sheikh Ismaeel Mullazai, teacher of Darululoom Zahedan and son-in-law of Sheikh Abdul Hameed, prominent leader of Ahl-us-Sunna, was arrested on Monday here in Zahedan, Iran.
“إنما يعمر مساجد الله من آمن بالله واليوم الآخر وأقام الصلاة وآتى الزكاة ولم يخش إلا الله فعسى أولئك أن يكونوا من المهتدين”.The Mosques of Allâh shall be maintained only by those who believe in Allâh and the Last Day; perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and give Zakât and fear none but Allâh. It is they who […]
TEHRAN: The Iranian authorities have confiscated passports of some of the top Sunni scholars in Tehran’s international airport on Thursday, 21st October. The security authorities have prevented them to leave the country for Turkey.
ZAHEDAN: Shaikh Mohammed Islam Mullazahi, an old teacher of Darululoom Zahedan and the head of financial affairs of the seminary was stabbed by unknown persons on Tuesday evening, 20th October in “Beheshti” street of Zahedan, east of Iran.
The official web site of the Sunni community of Iran, SunniOnline, has been attacked by unknown hated elements in a large-scale for the second time within ten days.
TEHRAN: The extremist groups and some authorities have curbed Sunnis in Tehran province to offer Friday prayers with congregation after forbidding them before to offer Eid prayers in the capital of Iran.
ZAHEDAN, IRAN: Due to the detention of passport of Shaikh Abdul Hameed, the eminent Sunni scholar and the chairman of Union of Sunni seminaries of Sistan-Baluchistan by the Iranian authorities respected Shaikh has cancelled his trip to Qatar where he wanted participating in the Eighth Conference of Doha Interfaith Dialogue.
TEHRAN: The Iranian authorities have arrested Haji Abdul Raheem Shah Bakhsh, the son-in-law of the prominent Sunni scholar, Shaikh Abdul Hameed in Tehran.
SANANDAJ: After the demand of Islamic scholars as well as the public of Kurdistan province the General Culture Council has asked the Iranian parliament to legislate the legal opinion (fatwa) of Ayatollah Khamenehi.
ZAHEDAN: The official website of Sunni community in Iran (SunniOnlilne) has been targeted by unknown hackers for another time as they faced failure.