Have you ever wondered why it is difficult to concentrate in your prayer? Or why your faith throughout the year is not on a high like it is during Ramadan or through Hajj? Maybe it is because we usually jump straight from a phone conversation into Takbir or because we just go with the flow […]
Whether you are an Atheist, Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Native American, Pagan, Shinto, Sikh, Wicca, and Zoroastrian or from any other tradition, you may feel a sense of connection with the spirit of Ramadan.
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and is characterised by Muslims fasting. The Qur’an acknowledges that fasting; which is one of the pillars of Islam, has been an integral part of religious traditions through history [Qur’an 2:183]. Fasting is thus an institution commonly practiced by various religious communities particularly the People […]
Ramadan is here, and as we move through this blessed month there are many goals we’ve planned to reach. Each person is unique and will have individual goals, but here are five aspects of worship that we ought to work on this Ramadan.
The Arabic word for fasting, sawm, means to refrain from something, or to hold back from something. The word is used where Allah says: “Say: I have taken an oath to the Beneficent that I will refrain from speaking to any person today.” [Sūrah Maryam: 26]
The following dua (prayers) are recited at the beginning and end of the fast to indicate and affirm the intention of the fast.
The lunar month of Ramadan has come. It is the blessed month in which the Qur’an – the Muslim Holy Scripture — was revealed:
Ramadan is almost over, but there are tons of opportunities that you can use to keep the Ramadan spirit. I hope that you will find the following 5 tips handy, especially during the first half of Shawwal (lunar month following Ramadan in the Islamic calendar). This article is based on what is known in behavior […]
“Don’t you get bored? How can you stay at home day after day?” How often I have been asked this question!
Preparing for Laylat al-Qadr Muslims the world over are struggling to end the last ten days of Ramadan with special prayers for world peace scheduled to start on the “Night of Power”, Saturday, July 18.