Referring to the 76-month prison sentence for Mawlana Fazlu-Rahman Koohi, a prominent Sunni scholar in Iranian Baluchistan, Mufti Mohammad Qasem Qasemi called officials to review the sentence and release him.
Mufti Mohammad Qasem stated in his Friday speech of Oct. 9, 2020 that Shaikh Fazlu-Rahman Koohi was one of the most influential Sunni leaders in the region.
Mufti Qasemi believed that reconsidering Koohi’s prison sentence would boost unity and security of the country.
“After several months in detention, Shaikh Koohi ultimately sentenced in prison for several years. People are worried about the sentence imposed on him”, said the most influential Mufti of Sunnis in Iran.
The vice-Friday prayer leader of Zahedan further pointed out: “Koohi’s criticism was aimed for reformation and he was a well-wisher to the country. Provincial officials were expected to resolve the issue, but unfortunately the prison sentence was eventually issued by the senior officials, that raised concerns among the Sunnis in Iran”.
Mufti Mohammad Qasem emphasized: “As far as we know, Koohi is a righteous and pious person; Ulama of the region have written letters about the case to the officials”.
It should be mentioned that the prominent scholars of Sistan-Baluchistan had previously written several letters to the Supreme Leader calling for the release of Mawlana Koohi.
The eminent teacher of Hadith and jurisprudence of Darululoom Zahedan stated: “Sunni scholars are benevolent to the country and to the nation. Koohi did not use harsh words against the government in his speeches. He has always respected the officials, the supreme leader and sanctities of religions”.
“According to the principle of ‘in dubio pro reo’, the defendant may not be convicted by the court when doubts about his/her guilt remain”, said Mufti Qasemi.
The chairman of Darululoom Zahedan’s Darul-Ifta continued: “Dear officials are aware about the conditions of the society; our people are also aware of this. In the current situation in which the Islamic world and our country are facing various infections and economic problems, we should consider such circumstances. As Sunnis, We want to maintain fraternity and unity”.
At the end of his speech, Mufti Qasemi emphasized: “What helps unity and prevents the abuse of the enemies, is to reconsider Koohi’s prison sentence”.
He also called on people to calm down and said: “There will be necessary talks to the officials in this regard. We hope that this issue and other problems will be resolved soon”.