Shaikh Ab. Hamid:

Crises of Muslim Countries Can’t be Solved by Exchanging Harsh Words

Crises of Muslim Countries Can’t be Solved by Exchanging Harsh Words

Alluding to signing of an agreement to normalize relations between the UAE and Bahrain with Israel, Shaikh Abdol-Hamid of Zahedan, Iran, saw it as the result of divisions among Muslim countries.
He urged on avoiding from denouncing each other and using hard words in his second part of the Friday speech of Sep. 18, 2020.

The Iranian Sunnis leader stated: “Divisions that have arisen among Muslim countries are tragic. Some Islamic countries have normalized their relations with Israel and signed agreements in this regard. While some others reacted negatively.”

President of Darululoom Zahedan said: “In my opinion, these crises will not be solved only by condemning and using harsh words against each other. Leaders of Islamic countries including Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other powerful states of the region should negotiate with each other and think of serious solutions to solve the problems of the Islamic countries.”

Friday Imam of Zahedan pointed out: “The current situation that is the result of divisions among Islamic countries, pushed enemies to abuse these differences and divisions”.

“Divisions hit the security of the Muslim countries, hurt the interests of the Palestinian people and it is against the security of the whole region,” the outstanding scholar of Sunnis in Iran said.

He further emphasized: “The current differences among Islamic countries should be resolved through debates, negotiations and strategic ways”.

“Why don’t the leaders of the Islamic countries get along with each other?! Why can’t Islamic countries solve their problems? Why should the United States, Russia and other non-Islamic countries address the issues of the Muslim world?” Shaikh Abdol-Hamid questioned.

He continued: “Islamic countries must solve their problems by themselves. This is in the interest of Islam and the Muslims of the world”.

In the final part of his speech, Shaikh Abdol-Hamid advised people to always keep the city clean and encouraged for tree planting in homes.


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