Military Assault Not a Solution to Problems of Region

Military Assault Not a Solution to Problems of Region

Criticizing the UN and super powers for their failure in resolving the crises of the Middle East, Shaikh Abdol-Hamid urged on Friday 02, Oct. 2015 that military and aerial assaults cannot resolve any problem.
Talking to tens of thousands worshipers in Zahedan, Iran, Khateeb of Sunnis said, “The world is under the waves of terrorism; it has been emphasized to find out the root causes of terrorism. It is an indisputable rule that for fighting against any phenomenon, first of all the reasons behind it should be recognized and eliminated. If the international community is truthful in its so called war on terror, before any step, the causes of terrorism must be uprooted by them.”
“The occupying regime of Israel has been destroying homes of the Palestinians for decades; why the UN and other super powers could have not resolved this issue? While the root cause of terrorism is the aggression and occupation of Israel in Palestine,” he pointed out.
“Extremism and terrorism are the bitter fruits of injustice, tyranny and not listening to the oppressed people. Insistence of tyrant and dictator rulers to rule on people gives birth to terrorism and extremism,” the member of the MWL supreme council added more.
Expressing his regret on the failure of the Western and Eastern powers to end the regional crises of the Middle East, Shaikh Abdol-Hamid said, “I’m really regretful that the UN and other powers could not resolve the crises of the Middle East in the past years by dialogue and negotiation.”
“Some super powers want to fight with terrorism by military and aerial assaults; it is a blunder and the international community is going to repeat its past mistake. By bombardment of cities and villages, men, women, children and old aged lose their lives indiscriminately and it destroys the lives of people. So the powers should bring a reconciliation formula that must be acceptable for the majority of people, parties and different groups; after that, if a minority opposes, it should be marginalized and encountered. This is the order of the Noble Qur’an,” Khateeb and Friday Imam of Sunnis in Zahedan underlined.
He expressed his sorrow on the conditions of refugees heading to the Europe and said, “Seeing the regretful condition of refugees in the world is very painful. Many citizens of some Muslim states such as Iraq, Syria, Yemen and etc… have been disappointed leaving their homes behind. May Allah save us from the powers that create problems for Muslim states just to ensure their political, economic and military interests.”

Trust on people makes regimes more successful
In a part of his speech, Shaikh Abdol-Hamid alluded to ‘Holy Defense Week’ and ‘Police Week’ in Iran, saying, “The armed forces of Iran are superior to many armed forces of the region in experience. The start of Iran-Iraq war has been named ‘defense week’ because we did not assault on Iraq initially; but we defended the sovereignty of our country. During this war, however our armed forces received serious damages but they got good experiences.
“It is indisputable that if any regime trusts and relays on public, it will get more success. It is a good point that provincial and national officials welcome criticism and show responsible behavior; they want to rectify their weak points, it is the sign of their capability. Critics also should be impartial and fair as their aim is reformation. But criticism on the basis of enmity and for defamation is unacceptable,” he added more.
The Hadith teacher in Darululoom Zahedan made it clear, “Weapon is used against sinister and unwise people who are not guidable. Dialogue is suited for savant people who enjoy sagacity.”

‘Regimes must depend on Allah and people’
“Relying on Allah Almighty and trust on people is necessary for the durable existence of governments and regimes. The Noble Qur’an also indicates to this fact; Allah addresses the beloved prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, that Allah and the ‘Believers who imitate you’ are sufficient for you,” he said.
Mawlana Abdol-Hamid further said, “By studying the governing systems in the world, it can be understood easily that public regimes have been the most sovereign and durable systems. But dictators and tyrant regimes, instead of relying on Allah and people, depend on the Western and Eastern powers. The previous regime of Iran made the country dependent on foreign powers without relying on people. But the Western and Eastern powers could not do anything to save Shah when people stood against his regime.”
At the end of his sermon, he expressed his satisfaction with the security situation of the country, calling on the authorities to marginalize the fanatic elements. He said, “Sobriety, logic and sagacity must prevail and rule on the country. Accepting responsibility, criticism and sobriety is the best way.”


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