Much of the media coverage of recent raids and protests by Israeli police and settlers at Al-Aqsa Mosque have focused on the “exclusive Muslim control” over the compound in Israeli-occupied Jerusalem, and Palestinian fears of the demand by Jewish settlers to “divide it”. Lost in the religious warfare narrative is the colonial impulse governing both […]
Sunnis of Iran know well the ongoing circumstances of their country. They do not expect any revolutionary change in the case of their due rights.
When details leaked earlier this week about a spate of immigration-related executive orders from President Donald Trump, much public discussion focused on a 30-day ban on new visas for citizens from seven “terror-prone” countries.
2016 has been a painful year for the world. Paralyzed by global terrorism, civil wars, the refugee crisis, sectarian conflicts, geopolitical muscling, growing economic inequality and the failure of the international community to stop the global bleeding, it has seen the destruction of innocent lives and the abandonment of the poor and the oppressed.
I came to Aleppo three months ago to report on the state of the city after rebel fighters from Jaysh al-Fath [Army of Conquest] had broken the siege by Assad’s forces.
Bangladesh is on the verge of carrying out yet another controversial judicial execution of an opposition leader.
What is going on in Kashmir, why is there such escalation?
For the Taipei Grand Mosque like for many others across the world, the day of Friday is not a normal day. Unlike on other weekdays, the Mosque, which has the capacity of around 1000 people, is generally overcrowded on a Friday. So much so that one can see numerous people praying outside the Mosque as […]
Teachers teach us to read, write and how to live a better life. But this time a teacher taught us of magnanimity.
Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad may turn out to be the biggest beneficiary of last week’s massacre in Paris.