Obama walked away from the presidential campaign victorious, in a heated election which comprised of an ever growing sense of discouragement among people in their presidential choices. More Americans have come to the conclusion that they are voting for the “lesser of two evils.” This view may correlate with early reports stating overall voter turnout […]
Now we see the regime of the tyrant of Damascus issuing an apology to Turkey via the United Nations, pledging that there will be no repeat of the mortar attack that struck Turkish territory causing the deaths of 5 Turkish citizens.
Spring is in the air in all walks of life, from politics to the economy, for this region’s two powers, Turkey and Egypt.
The Arabs will wake up one day and realize the extent of the deceit they have been exposed to with the al-Assad regime. The Arabs will wake up and realize the size of the plots that have been carried out by this regime in its country and in the region.
The mob that set upon and killed a group of Muslims riding a bus through western Myanmar on June 3 displayed a depravity normally the hallmark of the country’s military. News reports that emerged in the wake of the incident, allegedly in response to the gang rape and murder of a Buddhist girl by three […]
I happened to visit an Internet cafe in my locality a few days ago in the morning, as net service was not functional at my home.
A man is taking a walk in Central park in New York. Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull dog. He runs over and starts fighting with the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl’s life.
It was a matter of a few weeks ago when he called his people rats and he, by the will of Allah, vanished hidden in a sewage pipe like a rat.
With at least 92 people dead and several injured, the brutality of Friday’s attacks in Norway left the country reeling.But who to blame for the bomb blast that tore through Oslo’s government district and the shooting spree that left scores of teenagers dead at a youth summer camp in nearby Utoya?
“Bashar is God! Bashar is God!”As the fists and boots and sticks pummelled his body and bloodied his face, the college student screamed out what he thought his interrogators wanted to hear: The name of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad.