‘We Must Maintain Worships After Ramadan as Well’

‘We Must Maintain Worships After Ramadan as Well’

Shaikh Abdul Hameed, Khateeb of Ahl-us-Sunna in Zahedan started his latest Friday sermon in grand Makki mosque by the recitation of the Quranic verse: «وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُوا لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُوا بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ» and declared holy Ramadan a month that fertilizes hearts and freshens souls.

He said more that Ramadan which is the name of worships such as fasting, prayers, reciting holy Qur’an and giving charity to the deserved people, is a month that polishes hearts. In this blest month we can expiate weakness and slothfulness of the other months. As Satan is chained in Ramadan, everyone can offer prayers and recite the Qur’an more and more. Everybody can get rid of bad deeds and begin doing good deeds easily.

Ratiocinating a great Hadeeth, Shaikh said that a person who passes through Ramadan without gaining forgiveness of Allah Almighty is an unlucky person. This hadeeth teaches us to respect parents as well as all elders who lived in the past. Provide your parents in this great month and all the time all comforts and services that you can.

Shaikh indicated to the last days of Ramadan saying that every Muslim should worship Exalted Allah more and maintain offering prayers and doing good deeds in other months after Ramadan. We must be Muslims in all months not only in Ramadan.

Injustice & occupation; root causes of insecurity in the World

Khateeb of Sunni Muslims in Zahedan talked about the Al-Quds day and ongoing situations in the world in second part of his speech.
He urged that Al-Quds day is an important day in the history of Iran. This is the day of supporting Quds and the oppressed Palestinian Muslims. The International community should halt Israel from occupation and practicing injustice acts in Palestine.
The prominent Islamic scholar pointed out that the main reasons of people’s awareness in the region are occupation and oppression. Silence of international communities and big powers or even supporting the dictators and occupiers has awakened the masses. The world suffers from insecurity due to oppression and injustice acts of powerful states; no one hears the voice of oppressed masses which creates crises for arrogant powers.

Shaikh Abdul Hameed added more, ‘Oppression and incursion in Palestine is one of the causes of Islamic awakeness in Muslim countries; this movement has made dictators of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya powerless and prisoners, now the rulers of Yemen and Syria are about to fall down. These successful changes were carried out by oppressed masses who spread in streets after Islamic and social awake ness.’

At the end, Shaikh pointed that the revolutionists have given a lesson to all occupiers that the era of occupation and aggression has been over. The Soviet Union was broken in Afghanistan and the US and its allies can not win the war in Afghanistan as well. Those rulers who do not pay attention to the demands of people, they would face the fate of Qadafi and Hosni Mubarak.


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