Question: Dear scholars, as-Salamu `alaykum. What is the Islamic stance on celebrating Mother’s Day; is there anything wrong in it according to Shari`ah?
Question and answer detailsQuestion: As-Salamu `alaykum. Is there any special virtue in fasting during the month of Rajab? consultant: Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Ash-Shanqiti
Question:Is it necessary for a girl to wear hijab when:– reciting the Quran?– or sending salaam on the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be on him) ?– or making invocations to Allah (swt)
Question and answer detailsName of Questioner: A (28_female_UK) Question: As-Salamu Aleikom,Thank you for the wonderful service and help you provide, MashaAllah.I am a European revert (I reverted 1 year and 4 months ago) living in the UK and married to a born Muslim for 6 years.
Question:My parents do sinful things. What can I do?
Question and answer detailsQuestion: Respected scholars, as-salamu `alaykum. What do you say to Muslims who celebrated Valentine’s Day? Have they committed a sin? What is Islam’s stance on celebrating Valentine’s Day? Jazakum Allahu Khayran.
Question and answer details Question: I am searching for women who would answer me some questions about the hijab? My theme of my graduation is “the veil of Muslim women”. I have difficulties to find women in Arabic countries, who would like to answer my questions by e-mail. I would be glad to hear from […]
Question:I am a trainee solicitor and my firm is dealing with a matter in which an individual suffered injuries in a road accident which he alleges prevent him from attending a mosque on the basis that he is unable to touch his forehead to the ground.
QuestionA friend of mine told me that everyone is accountable for believing in Allah and for avoiding polytheism, even if they did not hear the Message.
What is the concept of engagement in Islam. Usually an engagement party is one in which the fiance/fiancee exchange rings. Is this the prescribed method in the shariah?