Mawlana Abdol Hamid:

Resolving domestic and foreign issues requires “strong management” and a “serious shift in policies”

Resolving domestic and foreign issues requires “strong management” and a “serious shift in policies”

Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid, during the Friday prayer ceremony in Zahedan today (January 10, 2025), referred to the “domestic and foreign problems of the country” and emphasized that resolving these issues requires “strong management” and a “serious and comprehensive change in policies.”

Iranian people still await the implementation of justice, elimination of discrimination, and tangible changes
According to the office of the Sunni Friday Imam of Zahedan, Mawlana Abdol Hamid stated: “The Iranian people are currently grappling with numerous problems. Some of these issues have persisted from the past, and the authorities have thus far failed to address them, leading to a buildup of unresolved challenges.”
He added: “In recent years, the majority of Iranians—men and women, various ethnicities and sects, and different social groups—have come forward and expressed their grievances. They have demanded justice, elimination of discrimination, and the provision of political, religious, media, and press freedoms. Moreover, various professional groups such as workers, retirees, nurses, teachers, and educators have protested for their rights, and these protests are ongoing. The Iranian people are still waiting for their demands to be acknowledged, changes to be made, and problems to be solved.”

Economic issues are becoming increasingly critical, with authorities unable to devise solutions
The Friday Imam of Zahedan also touched on the “economic crisis” facing the country, saying: “Economic and livelihood challenges are widespread, affecting all segments and groups of the Iranian population, whether urban or rural. Many household heads are ashamed of being unable to meet the basic needs of their families.”
He continued: “Economic problems are worsening daily, and unfortunately, authorities have not yet found a solution to address these challenges. It appears that the authorities might be incapable of resolving them.”

Foreign disputes have turned into a “serious threat” to the country
Mawlana Abdol Hamid also highlighted the “external challenges” facing Iran, stating: “Iran’s foreign disputes with other countries have now become a serious threat. There is a well-known saying that goes, ‘An issue without a worthy solver becomes a bigger crisis.’ The current issues in the country have become profound problems, but there isn’t a figure like Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) to resolve them with courage and wisdom.”
He stressed: “Addressing the domestic and foreign challenges of the country requires strong management—management that addresses domestic problems by responding to the people’s demands and resolves foreign issues with broad-mindedness and strategic vision.”

Past policies have failed; they must be “immediately” and “comprehensively” changed
The Friday Imam of Zahedan added: “Current foreign problems threaten the country. God forbid that Iran’s nuclear facilities, which have cost billions of dollars, come under attack. Nuclear, military, economic, and infrastructural centers are part of the national assets of Iran. If they are attacked, under the current circumstances where a portion of the country’s resources has been taken by certain individuals and another portion remains under the control of institutions and organizations, it will be a massive blow to the Iranian people and will lead to numerous challenges for the nation.”
He advised: “Our well-intentioned recommendation to the authorities is to address these issues seriously and consult the public and experts. Past policies have yielded negative results, and these policies need to be changed immediately and entirely.”
Mawlana Abdol Hamid stressed: “The way out of the country’s current problems is a serious shift in both domestic and foreign policies—a shift that not only prevents enemy attacks but, more importantly, transforms widespread domestic dissatisfaction into satisfaction.”

The time is short; recent upheavals in Syria must not be overlooked
The Friday Imam of Zahedan stated: “Time is very short, and now is the moment for a shift and change in policies. It is uncertain whether such an opportunity will arise in the future. The recent upheavals in Syria, which some attempt to portray as ordinary events, represent a significant movement that should not be ignored.”
He added: “The situation in Syria is evident to all. Initially, the people of Syria did not demand the overthrow of the government but called for reforms. However, instead of listening to and addressing the people’s demands, the Syrian authorities resisted them. When a desperate populace, with millions forced into migration, supported the recent changes in Syria and swiftly gained control over the country, the value of the Syrian currency immediately rose. This was because the new Syrian government declared that it had brought about changes, sought to establish friendly relations with the entire world, refrained from engaging in wars, and committed to rebuilding the country. The new government also granted freedoms to ethnicities, sects, religions, and women.”

Officials must act to prevent a devastating war
Mawlana Abdol Hamid emphasized: “We hope the authorities will find a solution to prevent a devastating war. Some might claim that our defense capabilities are sufficient; if they can avert war and protect national assets, that would be commendable. However, if our defensive power is weak, it would pose a grave shortfall for the country and its people.”
He further stated: “I bring up these matters here because, firstly, I have no access to media to voice such issues, and politicians need to hear about these political matters. Secondly, the country faces dangerous conditions requiring serious action from the authorities.”

Expressing condolences to the families of victims of the Ukrainian plane crash
“Had fair and impartial handling occurred in the initial days, the matter would not have persisted”
During another part of his Friday sermon in Zahedan, Mawlana Abdol Hamid referred to the anniversary of the Ukrainian plane crash and remarked: “The downing of the Ukrainian plane in Tehran was a profoundly sorrowful and tragic event. Many of our dear compatriots lost their lives in this incident.”
He added: “Five years have passed since this incident, and the bereaved families are holding ceremonies for their loved ones these days. We express our sympathies with the families of the victims and hope their rightful demand for a fair and impartial investigation will be fulfilled, providing comfort to the survivors.”
He underscored: “Had fair and impartial measures been taken in the immediate aftermath of the Ukrainian plane crash, this issue would not have lingered to this day.”

Swift action in addressing recent verbal abuse resolved the matter
The Friday Imam of Zahedan also referenced the recent insult by a eulogist, stating: “When issues are addressed promptly, they are resolved quickly. The recent verbal abuse incident [by a eulogist] was addressed immediately, and the issue was resolved. The offending individual was detained and admitted to his mistake. We forgave him, and the matter was settled.”
He added: “If issues are addressed swiftly, impartially, and justly, experience shows that the Iranian people are forgiving and willing to forgo their rights.”

The demise of Mawlana Jalilullah Rahimahullah is a loss for Afghanistan and the Islamic world
In another part of his remarks, Mawlana Abdol Hamid referred to the passing of Mawlana Jalilullah Mowlavizadeh, a distinguished Afghan scholar, stating: “Mawlana Jalilullah Mowlavizadeh was an eminent scholar and compassionate individual, with numerous contributions to various fields of knowledge. He spent some time in Zahedan, establishing close ties with Mawlana Abdolaziz Rahimahullah [founder of Darul Uloom Zahedan], the Darul Uloom Makki network, and the people of Zahedan.”
He added: “The passing of Mawlana Jalilullah Rahimahullah is not only a loss for the people of Herat and Afghanistan but for the Islamic world as a whole. Righteous and dedicated scholars benefit the entire world. May Almighty Allah elevate the status of this great scholar and grant patience and reward to the esteemed people of Herat and all of Afghanistan.”

Final remarks
In concluding his speech, the Friday Imam of Zahedan announced that the graduation ceremony for the students of Darul Uloom Zahedan would be held on January 31, 2025. He requested prayers for success and encouraged public financial support for this religious event.


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