In his Friday sermon of July 19, 2024, Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid pointed out to the outward and inward effects of the Holy Qur’an in the personal and social spheres, and recommended and emphasized the necessity of “communication with the Qur’an” and “benefiting from the guidance and effects” of this divine book.
The Quran is protected from any Kind of Distortion
According to the website of the Zahedan Sunni Friday Imam’s office, Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid recited the ninth verse of Surah Isra and stated: “The Quran is both a guide and a bearer of good news. The Qur’an guides mankind to the most correct path to happiness. The Qur’an gives good news to its believers and followers with a good and great reward, and makes us aware of the punishment to those who do not accept the Qur’an and refuse it.
“The Qur’an is protected from distortion and change, and it will remain protected until the Day of Judgment. All Muslims agree that the Qur’an is God’s book and there is nothing more or less in it; unlike other divine books that are distorted. Now, each of the Torah and the Bible has several versions and the followers of each version do not accept the other version, but the great Quran has only one version and there is no difference in it. The differences in recitation and differences in dialects, but the meaning of all recitations is the same. The Qur’an was revealed in seven dialects to make it easy to read and understand the Qur’an. Millions of girls and boys memorize the Quran every year and millions of people recite it daily,” Mawlana Abdol Hamid said.
The Great Quran Teaches “Tolerance”, “Interaction” and “Peaceful life”
Friday Imam of Zahedan said: “At the beginning of Islam, when Muslims paid attention to the Qur’an, they were blessed by Allah’s blessings and they obtained a good life. Unfortunately, today mankind has distanced itself from the Qur’an and there is no the communication, love, attention and benefit that it should be. Men and women rarely recite the Quran, which is a sign of lack of attention towards the Quran.”
“The Qur’an gives human beings capacity, flourishes their talent, and makes them developed morally, religiously, and practically. With the Qur’an, a person can be open-minded. The Qur’an makes human actions righteous and good,” he added more.
Mawlana Abdol Hamid reminded: “The heavenly books, the lives of the prophets and the intellect are the important pillars of guidance; they are among the divine mercies and great blessings that God Almighty has provided for human beings. Reason says to follow the Qur’an which guides you in the best way.”
Following the Qur’an and Hadith is a Source of Honor
He said: “The Qur’an is a guide. It is Allah’s book. The verses of the Qur’an are not the words of the Prophet, but the words of God. Both the words and interpretations of the Qur’an are from the side, as well as the meanings of its verses. Practice on the biography and hadiths of the Prophet, which are practical explanations and interpretations of the Qur’an, next to the Qur’an and follow it. Seerah is the best role model for us. The Holy Prophet was a human being, but he is a high-ranking human being to whom revelation has been revealed. Almighty Allah has introduced him as a model for humans. His whole life is a model and a guide for us.”
Friday Imam of Zahedan continued: “Let’s refer to the Qur’an and follow the correct words of His Holiness. In addition to the beautiful teachings of the Qur’an, we should also follow the example of his blessed life. Following the Qur’an and Hadith is a source of life, guidance and honor for us.”
Everyone Needs the Qur’an
Mawlana Abdol Hamid noted: “We all need the Qur’an to come in our lives. Therefore, revive the Qur’an in your life. Reciting the Qur’an is a reward, looking at it is a source of light for the eyes, and memorizing the Qur’an brings light to the heart. Faculty and university professors also do need the Qur’an; everyone should learn the Qur’an and follow it. When a person knows the meaning and message of the Qur’an and recites it, s/he should be humble before God and cry.”
The Ruler must be “Shadow of God’s Mercy on the People” and Spread “Justice” in the Society
Sheikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid, in another part of his speech during the Friday prayer ceremony of Sunnis in Zahedan, expressed the main purpose and philosophy of “government and governing” of humans in the world, and said: “Allah Almighty has given some human beings government and power so that these people serve and take care of security, economy and other human affairs.”
He added: “Today, there are different government systems in the world. The main motivation and goal of all these government systems; the goal and main motivation of these systems should be to solve the problems of the people. If they deviate from this goal and to keep a distance and seek to collect material interests, this is against the will of God. The will of Allah Almighty is that the rulers and all those who have high and low positions and managements should serve the people. Serving people is the greatest worship and is very valuable before Allah.”
The Friday Imam added: “In the past and during the era when the monarchy system existed in the Islamic world, the ruler was referred and titled “God’s shadow on the earth”. Just as the “shadow” is cold and protects and shelters people from the intense heat, the ruler must be the cold shadow of God’s mercy on people, and have mercy and compassion on people.”
The Ruler has the Duty to see all Parts of the Society and Provide the Basis of “Security” and “Livelihood” for everyone
He urged: “The ruler must see the entire territory of his government and take care of everyone. If a person dies in the territory of a government due to hunger or lack of health and treatment, or lack of clean water, the ruler is responsible for these events and will be judged in the divine court on the Day of Judgment. The ruler has the duty to take care of the needs and problems of all members of the society. It is narrated from Sayyidana Omar, may God be pleased with him, that he said: If a dog dies of hunger and thirst in a corner of my caliphate, Allah will question Omar on the Day of Resurrection.”
“The ruler has the duty to see all sections of the society, including men and women, ethnicities and sects, and to provide security and livelihood for everyone and not to allow there to be any difference among capable women, ethnic communities, religions and sects. This is justice; “justice” means putting everything in its proper place, and if that thing is not put in its proper place, it is “oppression”. Anything that violates “right” is “oppression,” he said.
The Post is a “Responsibility” and “Divine Test”
Mawlana Abdol Hamid said more: “A ruler should be just and act in such a way that criminals, murderers, bandits and bribe takers fear him. The ruler must fight corruption, bribery and abuse; even if his own child is a criminal and a bribe taker. If an officer commits a wrong and injustice against a member of the society, and even slaps or insults someone, the ruler should impeach that officer so that no officer dares to violate the law.”
He considered the post and position to be a “responsibility” and a “divine test” and said: “There are many people who express happiness when they get a position and spend a lot of money to reach power; while this position and post is a “responsibility” that a person should be accountable to God and people for inadequacies and injustices. Position, status and power is a test from God that how a person fulfills his responsibility and manages people’s affairs.”
We Hope that the Demands and Cries of Iranians will be heard in the Government of Dr. Pezeshkian
Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid continued his speech, and stated: “There are many problems in our country. We hope that the new president can spread justice. If the government lasts for one day, but justice is implemented in it, it is better than a government that lasts for a hundred years, but without justice and fairness.”
He added: “We hope that the demands and cries of the Iranians, including men and women, ethnicities and religions, retirees, teachers, labors, and different strata of the nation, will be addressed in the new government of Dr. Pezeshkian, and qualified women, ethnicities and religions will be engaged and employed. Meritocracy should be considered and capable people of any particular ethnic group and sect should not have superiority over the capable people of other ethnicities and religious communities. No government in any part of the world has been able to run and continue with a specific group and faction ignoring other communities.”
Companies and Factories must have a “Clinic”
In the final part of his speech, Friday Imam of Zahedan pointed out to the death of the administrative officer of This Cement Factory, in the last week, engineer Habibullah Hashemzahi, who suffered a heart attack at work and passed away before reaching any hospital. He said: “We offer our condolences to his family and relatives.”
He asked: “Shouldn’t there be a clinic or an ambulance in a large cement factory or other similar companies where dozens of people work so that if someone suffers from any accident, can receive outpatient treatment there?! The Ministry of Health should oblige these companies to have a special room for outpatient treatments. They should take care of their workers’ health.”