Critical Situation of Human Resources in Sistan-Baluchistan’s Education

Critical Situation of Human Resources in Sistan-Baluchistan’s Education

Human resources play an important role in promoting and advancing all-round development in societies. As human resources play a key role in the education system of next generations, it is vital to use this potential in education.

The state of human resources is measured in the education system by indicators such as student-teacher ratio, student-staff ratio, and teacher-staff ratio. As the officials of the Ministry of Education in Sistan-Baluchistan announced, these indicators are critical in this province.

Currently, there is one officially hired or contract-employee teacher for every 28 students in Sistan-Baluchistan. This province has the largest rural population in the country and has the most scattered areas; its population dispersion is more than 3 times comparing with the average of the country; the rural population of this province ranks second after Tehran province, which shows the critical condition of human resources.

If we put the above factors together with the dropout rate, it indicates the lack of human resources in reducing indicators such as undergraduate student retention rate and educational coverage.

In order to bring more than 140,000 dropouts back to school, we need a huge number of human resources. In allocating employment quotas, special attentions should have been paid to this province. On the contrary, the employment quotas of the province have been decreased by more than 50% compared to last year. This shows that the officials of the Ministry of Education did not pay special attention to the deprived province of Sistan-Baluchistan.

According to the officials of the Ministry of Education in Sistan-Baluchistan, this province is struggling with the problem of shortage of more than 11,000 human resources. Hiring and employing extra staff and “soldier teachers” in the field of education is a clear reason for this claim.

Meanwhile, Sistan-Baluchistan has always been among the provinces that have the highest rate of unemployment. Therefore, officials and representatives in Sistan-Baluchistan must strive hard to modify the allocated quotas of the province.


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