Chabahar’s MP Criticizes Annexation of People’s Lands to National Lands

Chabahar’s MP Criticizes Annexation of People’s Lands to National Lands

The representative of Chabahar, Nikshahr, Konarak and Qaser-e Qand in the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran has criticized the annexation of large parts of the ancestral lands of the people of Baluchistan to national lands.
In an interview with ILNA news agency, Moinuddin Saeedi stated: “The annexation of people’s ancestral lands to national lands has worried the people of this region”.
“Unfortunately about 95% of people’s lands have been annexed to national lands; this has created a big challenge”, he said.

“Aqueducts, groves, gardens and even some villages were located within the state-owned lands”, he added more.
Saeedi continued: “In the past, people were given the opportunity to refer to legal authorities for exceptions to their lands, which was announced through newspapers and official channels, but unfortunately people in these areas still do not have access to newspapers. Therefore, the people of the past were not aware of their rights, and this led to the nationalization of most of their lands.”
Saying that he was pursuing this issue as a representative of people in the parliament through the National and Natural Resources Organization, the representative of the people of Chabahar noted: “By the end of September of this year, part of these lands will be assigned and will return to their real owners”.
It should be said that earlier, Shaikh Abdol-Hamid, the most influential Iranian Sunni leader reacted to the annexation of the lands of the people of southern Sistan-Baluchistan to national lands and strongly criticized the action of the Natural Resources Organization.


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