Shaikh Ab. Hamid Welcomes Saudi-Iranian Negotiations

Shaikh Ab. Hamid Welcomes Saudi-Iranian Negotiations

The most influential Iranian Sunni leader welcomed the bilateral Saudi-Iranian negotiations to decrease tensions. He was talking to worshipers at the Grand Makki Mosque of Zahedan, Iran, after Tarawih prayers at Thursday night, April 28, 2021.

Here are the main points of Shaikh Abdol-Hamid’s talk:
Hajj is one of the important pillars of Islam. The blessings in the Haramayn (Makkah and Madinah) cannot be found in any other place but over there. There places are the paradise of this world and the best places along with Bait-ul-Maqdis in Jerusalem.
All Muslims should remain in touch with these two holy sites always; there should a continuous chain of Hajj and Umrah.
It is a big loss for Muslims to be deprived of visiting the holy sites in Makkah and Madinah, as in the last year due to the spread of COVID 19 pandemic, Muslims could not go for Hajj publicly.
We hope the Iranians will have a chance to perform Hajj and Umrah like the people of other countries. Muslims from different countries go for Hajj, why Iranians are deprived from Umrah? Our officials should negotiate with the Saudi authorities to start Umrah pilgrimage for the Iranian citizens. Also in Hajj we should participate this year.
It is a good news that the Iranian and Saudi officials have held a negotiation [to decrease bilateral tensions]. This is the logic way; tension and dispute are illogic and against the interests of nations, especially Muslims. We have many common points with other Muslims; we should have relations with them. Why we should not negotiate with them?
The two nations have interests and the biggest interest is Hajj; it’s a spiritual interest and we cannot give up this interest. I hope a big number of people from Iran also will take part in Hajj this year, if Allah wills.


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