The conference of Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH was held on Wednesday evening November 11, 2020 at Darululoom Zahedan in the Grand Makki Mosque in order to defend the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
Shaikh Abdol-Hamid and Mufti Mohammad Qasem Qasemi spoke at the conference, they defended the position of the Holy Prophet and emphasized on practicing the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and prayers be upon him.
Students of Darululoom Zahedan spoke in Persian, English and Arabic languages about the life of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and decried his insult in France.
In this meeting, a joint statement was also issued by students and teachers of Darululoom Zahedan in response to the recent insults to the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, by France.
Mufti Mohammad Qasemi, the chief of Darul-Ifta of Darululoom Zahedan called the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and other prophets, the source of all goodness and moral virtues. He also explained the dispatch of the Prophet Muhammad as a new birth of the world.
“Blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad is a blasphemy against all prophets and human beings. It’s an unforgivable crime too”, said the senior teacher of Fiqh and Hadith of Darululoom Zahedan.
“The weakness of Muslims in loving, defending and following the Holy Prophet PBUH led enemies to commit such insults”, said the eminent Sunni Mufti of Iran.
“Unfortunately Muslims didn’t introduce the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH to the world correctly”, Mufti Qasemi believed.
Shaikh Abdol-Hamid considered the Prophet Muhammad PBUH as the best role model of all human beings in all aspects of life.
“In such a situation, a Muslim should be aware and have more efforts in promotion of Sunnah of the last messenger of Allah the Almighty”, said the most influential Sunni leader of Iran.
“Muslims must revive the character and life of the Holy Prophet and defend Islam and the Prophet strongly”, president of Darululoom Zahedan said.
Addressing the world leaders, the Iranian Sunnis leader said: “Leaders of European countries, France, the United Nations, etc. must know that the love of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH is in the heart of every Muslim all over the globe”.
Shaikh Abdol-Hamid urged: “Defending the Holy the Prophet must be the most important responsibility of a Muslim than anything else”.
“Together, in such circumstances, the leaders of the Islamic countries should not remain silent, but defend the dignity of Islam and the sanctity of the Prophet”, Friday prayer leader of Sunnis in Zahedan said.
At the end of the meeting, Shaikh Abdol-Hamid called the world leaders for enactment of an international law banning insults to the sanctities of religions and sects, and said: “A law should be passed internationally that prohibits insults to the prophets and the sanctities of religions and sects; this is in accordance with the interests of the world.
The meeting was ended with prayers of Shaikh Abdol-Hamid and announcement of prizes for children born in Rabi-ul-Awwal and they are named “Muhammad”.