Mufti Khaled Dehwari, chairman of Darul-Ifta of Ain-ul-Uloom Gosht/Saravan in Iranian Balochistan passed away on Saturday evening, November 1, 2020.
A few days after the death of Mawlana Mohammad Dehqan, another Iranian eminent Sunni figure and Hadith professor at the same seminary, Mufti Dehwari passed away and Sunnis mourned again.
Mufti Khaled was a senior teacher of Hadith and Fiqh and rector-deputy of financial affairs at Ain-ul-Uloom Seminary of Gosht.
He was a jurist, mystic and a reformist who served the society in various scientific fields with sincerity.
Mufti Khaled Dehwari was 74. He was student of an agriculture college when he preferred to get Islamic education. He joined Jamia Darululoom Karachi and studied for seven years over there and graduated in the same seminary. He also studied one year at Darul-Ifta wal-Irshad in Nazimabad, Karachi where he studied Islamic jurisprudence from Mufti Rasheed Ahmad Ludhianvi.
Mawlana Muhammad Ashiq Ilahi Bulandshahri, Mawlana Sahban Mahmoud, Mawlana Akbar Ali, Mawlana Mufti Rasheed Ahmad Ludhianvi, Mufti Muhammad Rafi Usmani and Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani are among his top teachers. He was one of the authorized successors of late Mufti Rasheed Ahmad and very close to him.
His funeral ceremony was held at Gosht, Saravan in the eastern part of Iranian Balochistan. Thousands of people from different cities attended his funeral ceremony that was held with the presence of Mufti Mohammad Qasem Qasemi of Darululoom Zahedan, representative of Shaikh Abdol-Hamid.
Shaikh Abdol-Hamid the Iranian Sunnis leader in a letter of condolence said “Mufti Khaled’s passing was a great loss for our society; in fact, the death of such personalities is an irreparable loss for the society and it makes the duty of the successor scholars heavier.”
Ulama from different parts of Iran expressed their regret over the passing of this prominent Sunni scholar of Iran.