Mawlana Mohammad Dehqan, a prominent Iranian Sunni scholar, passed away at Sunday dawn 25th Oct. 2020 in Khatam-ul-Anbiya hospital of Zahedan, Iran.
SunniOnline reports, Shaikh Dehqan was 82. His funeral prayer was offered in Gosht city of Saravan County in Iranian Balochistan.
Referring to the passing of Mawlana Mohammad Dehqan, Ulama and famous Sunni public figures from different parts of Iran expressed their condolences over his death.
Mawlana Mohammad Dehqan was the vice-president of Ain-ul-Uloom Gosht seminary and senior Hadith and Fiqh teacher at the same Islamic learning center which is one of the most reputable Islamic schools of Iranian Sunnis.
Following the death of Mawlana Dehqan, Shaikh Abdol-Hamid, the most influential Sunni leader in Iran issued a letter of condolence calling him one of the founders of the Coordinating Council of Sunni Seminaries in Sistan-Baluchistan.
“The death of Ulama is a great loss for Muslims and it makes the responsibility of other Ulama heavier”, said the chairman of the Coordinating Council of Sunni Seminaries in Sistan-Baluchistan.
Senior teachers of Darululoom Zahedan, including Mufti Mohammad Qasem Qasemi and Mawlana Abdol-Ghani Badri expressed their condolences over the event, considering his death a great loss for the Sunni community of Iran.
Shaikh Mohammad Dehqan was born in Saravan in 1938. After completing his primary education in Saravan and benefiting from Mawlana Abdol-Wahed Goshti and Mawlana Mohammad Yousuf Husseinpour, he traveled to Pakistan for higher Islamic education. He studied two years at Jamia Darululoom Karachi and graduated from there in 1383 H.
Mufti Mohammad Shafi, the farmer Grand Mufti of Pakistan, Mufti Rashid Ahmad Ludhianvi, Shaikh Saleemullah Khan, Mawlana Akbar Ali, Mawlana Sahban Mahmoud and others were among his teachers in Karachi.
In learning Tafsir of the Holy Qur’an in Pakistan, he benefited from Shaikh Ghulamullah Khan in Rawalpindi and Mawlana Abdullah Darkhwasti in Khanpour.
Thousands of people, including scholars and thinkers from different cities attended the funeral ceremony of Mawlana Dehqan in Gosht.
In recent days, some other scholars of Iranian Baluchistan passed away too, including Shaikh Abdol-Hakeem Salehi from Konarak and Mawlana Shirdel Husseinzahi from Sarbaz.
May God bless them and reward them the Paradise.