Felicitation over victory of Mr. Morsi in Egypt

Felicitation over victory of Mr. Morsi in Egypt

The outstanding leader of the Sunni community in Iran, Shaikh Abdol-Hameed Ismaeelzahi pointed out towards the victory of “Muhammad Morsi” in the early presidential election of Egypt in the second part of his speech saying, ‘I would like tocongratulate the victory of Islamists’ candidate in the presidential election of Egypt. No doubt it was the most important event of last week in the Muslim World.’

He expressed his deep happiness over a statement of the new President of Egypt, saying, ‘When I was reading the biography and views of Mr. Morsi, some of his statements influenced me a lot. He said:  «وُلّیتُ علیکم و لستُ بخیرکم», (I have become your ruler while I am not the best of you.) These are the words of the first caliph, Abu-Bakr As-Seddiq.’

The rector of the biggest Islamic seminary of Sunnis in Iran added more saying that Mr. Morsi had addressed the people of Egypt: ‘Accept my orders until I obey Allah Almighty; If I disobey, you are not supposed to obey me.’ This is what the second caliph Omar, may Allah be pleased with him, said on the tribune. Saying such words in such era when people are mostly living neglectfully is very important incident.

He expressed his sincere wishes for the new president of Egypt saying, ‘We hope revolutionaries in Egypt would get their final aims. People of other states who have been struggling to step down dictators will achieve their goal soon, God willing. May Allah root out despotism from the Middle East and the entire world, and implement true Islam of Mohammad and Khulafa-e-Rashideen on the earth.   


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