21st Annual Graduation Ceremony of Darululoom Zahedan

21st Annual Graduation Ceremony of Darululoom Zahedan

The 21st annual graduation ceremony of Darululoom Zahedan started its formal programs in morning of 27 Rajab, (2012-06-18) in the central Mosalla of Ahl-us-Sunnah in Zahedan, Iran.

The ceremony was begun in presence of a huge number of Muslims -almost two hundred thousands- from various classes and provinces of the country; men and women, Islamic scholars, professors, students, social and cultural activists, and others common citizens.

Undoubtedly, it was a gathering which had attracted people from different languages and accents, cultures and life styles but by unified hearts. They seemed to be members of one family. Many lovers of Islam and its servants had faced lots of troubles to reach to the capital of Sistan-Baluchistan, Zahedan, accepting the call of their scholars. In fact, they have comprehended the message of Holy Qur’an: “يرفع الله الذين آمنوا منكم والذين أوتوا العلم درجات”، (and Allah will raise those, in ranks, who have believed and are given knowledge. Allah is well-aware of what you do.)  

Like previous years, the 21st annual ceremony was held in a very spiritual atmosphere that can not be explained in words. It was organized in two stages; morning and evening inside the Grand Mosalla of Sunnis of Zahedan. Women took part in the gathering as well who were in the Grand Makki mosque and its some rounding streets.

The first session of the ceremony was initiated by beautiful recitation of some verses of Holy Qur’an by a famous Qari from Quetta, Pakistan.

Then, “Payam-avarane Wahdat” group presented a nice nasheed, song, before the speech of Molawi Abdul-Hakeem Narui. The representative of graduates, Molawi Narui, talked about Islamic awakening who presented the first discourse to the faithful audience.

He pointed saying that Western culture has turned pale across the world; people have recognized secular and anti-Islam ideologies can not guarantee their prosperity. Islam attracts all and it has answers for all doubts of human beings.

Mawlana Othman Qalandarzahi, Dr. Mujahid, Sunni MP Yaquob Jadgal and Mawlana Ahmad Narui were other speakers of the first session of the 21st annual graduation ceremony.

Khateeb of Khash, Mawlana Othman Qalandarzahi, delivered a lecture on the importance of Holy Qur’an and Muslims’ gathering in honor of the Qur’an and Hadith.

He said, ‘Holy Qur’an has come to remove bad characters replacing them by good ones. Qur’an is rich in knowledge; Allah sends His mercy on the blest people who act upon its directions and commands.

The second eloquent discourse was delivered by the prominent activist of Tabligh, Hafedh Muhammad Karim Saleh, at the 21st annual graduation ceremony of Darululoom Zahedan.

Shaikh Saleh said that as things are invisible unless there is light of any source, the same is case with spiritual things. People can not reach to Allah without the glory of Ka’bah and Qur’an. Through these two sources mankind can recognize his enemies like Satan. These sources teach human beings that mosques are only for Allah; only worship Him in Masajid. Do not associate anyone with Allah in worship; this is the message of Holy Qur’an.

After Shaikh Saleh, Dr. Mujahid, a professor at Zahedan University, talked to the audience saying that nowadays all human societies experience the fast changes of modern technology and industries; some societies remained traditional as some others are modern. ‘There are some other societies which are under-progress like our society. The speedily evolutions and the absence of harmonization and development in different angles created dangers for the educational schooling system of mankind; people can not make balances easily,’ he added more.

Molawi Abdol-Malek Malekpour, Khateeb of Konarak, south Baluchistan, talked about ‘Human rights’ in the 21st annual graduation ceremony of Darululoom Zahedan, the largest Islamic seminary of the Sunni community in Iran.

‘Islam is the protector of human rights. There are many parties and states across the globe claiming to be the “protector of human rights”, but the measurement scale of human rights is different. Most of the verbal claimants support ‘human rights’ just to encourage vice and misdeeds more. They are not guardians of human rights; such states only want to promote their interests. As in some places they support people’s uprising, they call them demanders of human rights; while they deny to admit people’s uprising in some other countries. It is a double standard policy,’ Shaikh Malekpour pointed.

Mawlana Ahmad Narui, a senior teacher of Hadith at Darululoom Zahedan, was the last speaker of the first session of the ceremony.

He lightened the biography of Omar bin Khattab, saying that he used to appoint Ali the Emir of Muslim. Ali was a good advisor of him to all matters. When Omar got martyrdom, Ali turned his face to Omar’s corpse saying: ‘I wish Allah resurrect you with your two friends, Holy Prophet and Abu-Bakr As-Seddiq; I listened many times Holy Prophet calling names of Abu-Bakr and Omar together.’ This is the history of Sahabah and Muslims of the first centuries.

In the second session, Mufti Muhammad Qasem Qasemi, Shaikh-ul-Hadith Mawlana M. Yousuf Hussein-pour, Mawlana Nazar Muhammad Didgah and Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol-Hameed Ismaeelzahi talked to tens of thousands lovers of Islam and ‘Elm.

Mufti Muhammad Qasem Qasemi talked to the participants of the 21st annual graduation ceremony of Darululoom Zahedan after Asr prayers. He addressed the audience to show the importance of family and its role in upbringing the society.

Shaikh Qasemi said, ‘Family is one of the great blessings of Allah Almighty that contains father, mother and children. Holy Qur’an and our beloved prophet, peace be upon him, have emphasized on marriage and establishing family’s importance. Family is the first unit of a society; it makes the society perfect.’

Shaikh of Hadith, Mawlana Muhammad Yousuf Hussein-pour, talked about the Companions of Holy Prophet, peace & blessings be upon him.

Shaikh Hussein-pour indicated towards sincere services of Khulafa-e-Rashideen, the Guided Caliphs, after holy Prophet’s demise, saying, ‘After the departure of Holy Prophet, Muslims were very shocked and sad. They were amazed what to do; in such a critical time Abu-Bakr As-Seddiq got the leadership of Ummah. He withstood all crises firmly. His determining decisions made the Muslim Nation more strong and guaranteed Muslims’ brilliant future.’

The eminent Sunni scholar of Sistan-Baluchistan and the ex-member of the Iranian Parliament, Mawlana Nazar-Muhammad Deedgah talked to the audience of the 21st annual graduation ceremony of Darululoom Zahedan.

He underlined saying that there were many examples in the Qur’an about the true believers. Cruel people wanted to change the faith of the believers by force; they threatened them and even slaughtered them brutally; but they withstood. Nowadays, all super powers surrounded the Muslim world; U.S and NATO have occupied Afghanistan to fight with their enemies over there. The brave Afghan nation deserves salutation over resistance for a decade. Afghanis fought the red army of the Soviet Union for twenty years. They have been defending their country to raise the Word of Allah.

The 21st graduation ceremony of Darululoom Zahedan completed its activities by Du’a of Shaikh-ul-Islam and giving ‘turban of virtue’ to the graduates.

The chairman of the 21st annual graduation ceremony, Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol-Hameed Ismaeelzahi, expressed his views at the end of the ceremony saying that Iran was a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic country with different religions, sects, races and tendencies. All of them are Iranians. Sunnis have soft corner for all Muslims feeling positively for every human being. If Iran suffers from any sort of crises, so both Shia and Sunni would be damaged.

The rector of Darululoom Zahedan, the largest Sunni seminary in Iran, added more saying that demands of Sunnis were fully legal. The law and Constitution must be implemented completely. We want execution of justice and equality. According to trustable surveys, Sunni Muslims populate at least 20% of the entire population of Iran; it means they are almost 20 million. So we hope our children will have their appropriate status in their motherland; they should be employed indiscriminately.

It is notable that 134 brothers were graduated this academic year. While 76 graduate sisters were honored at the ceremony. 32 memorizers of Holy Qur’an, Huffadh, and 3 graduates of Specialization in Tajweed got certificates as well in the 21st annual ceremony of Darululoom Zahedan.

Source: SunniOnline.us


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