The biggest gathering of the Sunni community of Iran and the 20th Annual Ceremony of Darululoom Zahedan was held on Thursday, 30 June 2011 in the central Musalla (Eidgah) of Zahedan. More than 150 thousand devotees of Islam gathered in Musalla to benefit from the sermons of their religious leaders.
This ceremony is held each year in Rajab, seventh Islamic month, in honor of graduates and Huffadh of Darululoom Zahedan, the largest Sunni seminary in Iran.
Tens of thousand Muslims who are fond of knowledge and they respect Ulema a lot take part in the annual ceremonies of Darululoom Zahedan, Iran. People belonging to various parts of the country and neighboring countries, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan have been participating in the gathering.
Zahedan is located in a warm and dry land in south east of Iran; despite it, thousands of the zealots of Islam ensure their presence in this gathering. They belong to diverse languages, cultures and areas but they sit together as they are brothers listening to the lectures of Ulema. It is the sign of this great ceremony’s brightness and spirituality as well as it proves the love of masses to Deen and Islamic knowledge.
The 20th ceremony was held in such atmosphere. Due to high pressure by the authorities, it was held only in one day limitedly in two sessions, morning and evening.
The events of the gathering were as following shortly:
Programs of the first session
The first session began its activities at 8 O’clock of morning by recitation of Holy Qur’an. After recitation, “Muhibban-e-Sahaba” warble group presented a nice song welcoming the participators.
Molawi Jmu’ah Morrahi was the first speaker of the program. Representing the new graduates of Darululoom Zahedan, he talked over the sacrifices of Sahaba (companions of the prophet Mohammad peace be upon him) in order to preach Islam. Molwi Morrahi declared the establishment a shura (council) after the departure of Holy Prophet (Alaihissalam), struggles to preach Islam and its culture, elimination of abjurors and active presence in the fields of jihad the biggest services of Sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them).
Then Hafidh Mohammad Karim Saleh appeared at the stage. The famous preacher pointed that the enemies of Islam and Muslims have been striving to create distance between common people and Ulema (scholars). They know that their all cruel policies are failed until common Muslims obey their scholars. The distance between masses and Ulema is equal to a gulf between Muslims and their Lord Allah Almighty. Shaikh Mohammad Kareem Saleh advised the audience to be careful.
The third orator was Mr. Kadhem Tabatabai, khateeb of Shiites in Zabol city. He said that our common enemies want to create sectarian disputes between Sunnis and Shais. Both Shias and Sunnis must respect each others’ sacred personalities and places.
The representative of Zahedani masses in the parliament, Engineer Payman Forouzesh talked to the audience after khateeb of Shiites. He urged that a successful regime deals with all masses, regardless to their languages, races and sects, with justice and rely on people.
After Mr. Forouzesh, Molawi Fadhlullah Raeesi presented a nice collective of poems about wakefulness of Muslim Ummah.
Mawlana Ahmad Narui was the next speaker who delivered a lecture about the status of Sahaba. His lecture was around the interpretation of the last verse of Sourat-ul-Fath. He emphasized that “Ahl-e-Baith” are part of the companions of the prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him). None of Sahaba left Islam after the departure of holy Prophet (Alaihissalam) but rather they confronted ‘Murtaddin” who were hypocrites in the era of the prophet and then they showed their reality.
Following the speech of Mawlana Narui, “Neday Qur’an” warble group presented a beautiful hymn over the Qur’an which was applauded.
The last speaker of the morning session was Molawi Eshaq Madani who enlightened on the biographies of Muhadditheen of Iran. The advisor to the Iranian president said that most of the collectors of Sihhah Sitta belonged to Iran.
The next part of the program was reading names of 66 sister graduates who graduated from the branch of Darululoom Zahedan, Khadeejat-ul-Kubra school. They were awarded in their campus by their teachers. Also, 16 Huffadh of the Qur’an were given prizes at the stage.
Mawlana Mohammad Anwar Mullazai ended the session by his humble prays and made the audience to repent over their sins and have more hope on the endless mercies of Allah Almighty.
After offering Dhuhr prayers, the guests were served by Zahedani masses where they took lunch and got rest till Asr prayers.
Programs of second session
This session started after the Asr prayers by recitation of Qari Ghaffari, a guest at the gathering. Following it, Mr. Kamali presented some nice poems in honor of knowledge (E’lm) and Ulema. He was representative of Khateeb of Talish Shaikh Quraishi and masses of Ardabil, Khalkhal and Talish cities (Northeast of Iran).
The first speaker of second session was Shaikh-ul-Hadeeth Mawlana Mohammad Yousuf who declared ‘reading’ peculiarity of Islam that has given extra attention and importance to education. The rector of ‘Ain- ul-Uloom’ Gosht, Saravan pointed that a movement which is based on knowledge is successful. Islam’s roots are on knowledge, thus, no one can defeat it.
After the nice lecture of Shaikh-ul-Hadeeth, Mohammad Omar Khammar and his little son presented a nice poem which got the applause of the audience.
The head of Daruliftaa Darululoom Zahedan, Mufti Mohammad Qasem Qasemi was the next lecturer who shared very informative points about “Preaching towards Allah”. He said that by prophecy of the prophet Muhammad (Alaihissalam) his ummah and followers ordered to extend the mission of him. Muslim ummah is the only nation who can preserve the human beings and preaching is the biggest duty of Muslims.
Following the Magrib prayers, “A’waay Makki” warble group presented their beautiful hymn over the Last Messenger of Allah.
First speaker of Magrib prayers was Shaikh Abd-ur-Rahman Chabahri who talked about the importance of reciting Holy Qur’an. He said that the Qur’an must be constitution of our lives. Khateeb of Chabahar urged that we can understand the teachings of the Qur’an when we are able to read it properly.
Khateeb of Ahl-us-Sunnah, head of the Union of Sunni Seminaries of Sistan-Balochistan, Shaikh Abdul Hameed was the last lecturer of the ceremony. He emphasized that Qur’an and Sunna are two big blessings from Allah for Muslims. Muslims should desist from sectarian disputes; if they do so, they can gain superiority in the world.
In second part of his speech, the rector of Darululoom Zahedan expressed the expectations of the Sunni community of Iran from the ruling regime.
He declared religious freedom, equality between Shiite and Sunni citizens, permission to Sunnis in mega cities to offer prayers in congregation, open- mindness of the rulers and respect of Ahl-us-Sunna’s sacred as main demands of the Sunnis in Iran.
After Shaikh’s talk, 104 graduates of Darululoom Zahedan and 30 graduates of “Isha’at-ut-Tawheed” were honored and got turban of virtue from the present VIP guests and their teachers.
Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdul Hameed ended the 20th ceremony of Darululoom Zahedan and the biggest gathering of Sunnis by his emotional and beautiful du’a.
Around the ceremony
Like most of the other meetings and gatherings, this nice gathering had some marginal events as well:
1- A Qur’anic gathering was held in grand Makki mosque on Wednesday 29 June. 30 graduates of Qira’ah & Tajweed department of Darululoom Zahedan were honored.
2- A book fair was organized at Darululoom Zahedan where some provincial publishers took part.
3- Media Exhibition; “SunniOnline” website, “Neday Islam” magazine and “Office of Sunni Students’ Affairs” were the main participators of this fair.
4- Disconnection of the regional Internet service before the ceremony till next week of the gathering.
5- Drastic attack of some unknown hackers on the server of SunniOnline and its closure for some days by our host.
6- The state-run obstacles before many foreign and national guests of the ceremony.
7- Road accident of two guests while coming to Zahedan near “Nehbandan” city. One passed away in hospital and the second one got injuries. May Allah have mercy on the demised and bestow the wounded a full health soon.