Many of the Baloch citizens in Iran do not speak in Balochi at home with their children. What are their reasons/excuses and why they weaken their mother tongue? The response comes in the upcoming lines.
Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad may turn out to be the biggest beneficiary of last week’s massacre in Paris.
On the 5th of May 2009, the great researcher (muhaqqiq) and hadith scholar of our age Shaykh Sarfaraz Khan Safdar (may Allah shower His infinite mercy upon him) passed away at the age of 98.
Sayyid Qu?b, in full Ibrahim Husayn Shadhili Sayyid Qutb, born Oct. 9, 1906, near Asyut, Egypt—died Aug. 29, 1966, Cairo, Egyptian writer who was one of the foremost figures in modern Sunni Islamic revivalism. He was from a family of impoverished rural notables. For most of his early life he was a schoolteacher.
DELINEATION Shaykh Qari Mohammad Tayyib is the one who made what Darul Uloom Deoband is now.
There is not a village in the besieged Gaza Strip that does not show signs of the aftermath of Israel’s third bout of aggression, the first anniversary of which took place on Monday.
When the former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi was sentenced to 20 years in April, in a trial internationally condemned as unconstitutional, unfair and deeply politicised,
“The enemy of my enemy,” goes the old adage, “is my friend”.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is having a tough time these days with war, or the threat of war,
Nowadays, more than forty calendars are common in the world and some of them are more famous than others. Most of these calendars are solar and some of them are lunar, too.