The way out of the country’s crisis is yielding to the rightful demands of the nation

The way out of the country’s crisis is yielding to the rightful demands of the nation

Sheikh-ul-Islam Maulana Abdul Hamid, today (April 10, 2024) at the Eid al-Fitr ceremony in Zahedan, Stating that the country is currently facing challenges and crises in the two fields of “politics” and “economy”, he declared that ” yielding to the rightful demands of the nation” is the only way out of these challenges.

The “economic crisis” has challenged all groups and classes of society
According to Information website of Zahedan Sunni Imam Juma’s office report, Maulana Abdul Hamid – in this magnificent ceremony, which was held with the presence of more than two hundred thousand worshipers – mentioned:
The unity and integrity and unity of discourse are very vital and important for the whole nation of Iran, including religions, ethnicities and groups. The integrity and unity of a nation is one of the strengths and signs of that nation’s wisdom and knowledge.
He further added: Unfortunately, today we are facing crises in our own country, which have caused problems and worries and distress, and the Iranian nation is worried about this situation. Sadly, both the country’s economy is caught in a special crisis and politics is facing a crisis. “Politics” and “Economy” are the two foundations and the existence of crisis in these two fields has caused challenges and problems in the country.
Sunni Imam of Zahedan continued: The current economic crisis has challenged not only the weak but also all the classes and guilds. When the country’s currency becomes worthless and falls, there will no longer be an economy, because all the deals and trades are done with this. When a country’s liquidity is devalued, life becomes difficult for the nation.

The control of the economy is out of the hands of the country’s administrators
Maulana Abdul Hamid mentioned: It seems that the control of money and economy has gone out of the hands of the country’s administrators. When there is no political focus, the economy also will be palsied. Solving this problem and challenge requires serious and fundamental thinking. The best way out of these crises and challenges is for the authorities to see what the Iranian people want and demand and surrender to the rightful demands of the Iranian people.
He added: The people of Iran are the owners of this country, regardless of ethnicities, religions and different tendencies. Among the people of Iran, there are wise men and intellectuals inside and outside the country. Iranian people are concerned about national interests and have compassion for each other. Therefore, attention should be paid to the wishes of this nation.

How beautiful it is that the rulers of countries surrender to the wishes of their people
Zahedan’s Eid al-Fitr preacher stated: How beautiful it is that the rulers of countries surrender to the wishes of their people. The best and strongest policy for any system and government is to protect the nation and the way to preserve the nation is to think like the people. The officials should be with the people and submit to the demands of the people; this is the only way out of crises and challenges.
He added: If there is a separation between the nation and the government, this does not solve the problems, rather, the government deserves to submit to the will of the nation and put himself at the service of the nation and its demands. We hope that Almighty Allah will take care of these problems and help to solve these problems and difficulties and help people achieve their desires.

“Seeing the facts” is very important to overcome challenges
Zahedan’s Friday prayer leader continued to mention: The most important factor that is effective in solving crises and can save a country from crises and challenges is seeing the facts. Until the officials see and understand the facts, it is difficult to solve problems and crises.
He emphasized: both the nation and the government should see the facts and understand the conditions. All of us should see what the people want today and think about it. If we sit next to the people and listen to the people’s words and act like the people, we will understand what the conditions are in the society. Unfortunately, there are many who do not consider these facts and do not see the facts and conditions in the country and the world, while seeing these facts and realities is very vital and important in order to overcome problems and challenges.

“Establishing an independent Palestinian state” is the only solution to the Palestinian crisis
In another part of his speech at the Eid al-Fitr ceremony in Zahedan, Maulana Abdul Hamid mentioned the situation in Gaza and the Palestinian crisis and said: The conflict and dispute that has been going on for decades in Jerusalem and the Palestinian land must be resolved. And the best way to end this dispute and killing and massacre is to return the occupied lands to the Palestinians and the Palestinian people achieve an independent government and rule over their own destiny. If the people of Palestine, both Muslim and Jewish, see the facts and respect each other’s rights, the problems will be solved.
He emphasized: The only way out of this crisis is the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. We hope that the problems of the Palestinian people will be solved after many years of suffering from war and cruelty and that these people will rule over their own destiny.

The security of the region and the province must be maintained
In the final part of his speech, Maulana Abdul Hamid emphasized the need to “maintain security” and said: I recommend that the security of the region and province be maintained. Sistan-Baluchistan is a province that shares a border with several countries, and maintaining the security of this province is very vital and important. During the closing ceremony of the Holy Quran in Makki Mosque, I also stressed that security and peace should be maintained and insecurity should not arise.


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