Prison authorities in Bangladesh have hurriedly carried out the execution of Abdul Qadir Mollah, an Assistant Secretary General of Jamaat-i-Islami Bangladesh (JIB), following an equally swiftly conducted hearing by a full bench of the appellate division of the Supreme Court which upheld his death sentence.
On Thursday 31 October four female MPs from Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (JDP) entered the General Assembly chamber at the Turkish parliament wearing the religious headscarf.
The military junta in Egypt, headed by army chief Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, seems to be thoroughly stupid as it is manifestly criminal.
Sitting in front of her house on a quiet street in Gao, Bintou Yatarra, 28, pokes a feathered bird in a pot of hot water. Beside it, two small fowl have been skinned, their wings and feet neatly tied together with string. Yatarra, heavily pregnant with a white T-shirt stretched over her belly and red […]
Analysts are divided over whether the United States will press ahead with a punitive strike against the Syrian government for purportedly using chemical weapons against civilians on Aug. 21, in light of British lawmakers voting not to take part.
With three prison guards on his bedside, 64-year-old Maysara Abu Hamdeya died of cancer shackled to an Israeli hospital bed on Tuesday.
For more than two years, the world has stood by as the violence in Syria has intensified.
Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan’s former president, is back home after more than four years in self-imposed exile. He is hoping to re-assert his influence ahead of the country’s elections in May.
Israeli leaders have been infuriated by the fleeting remarks made by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the opening session of the Fifth UN Alliance of Civilizations held in Vienna last week.
“We want peace,” were the Rohingya’s sentiments expressed to me again, as I recently revisited the Rakhine State in Myanmar/Burma, where a population of Muslims has been living for centuries.