Far from the glistening glass and burgeoning metal structures that dot the Doha skyline, the Afghan Taliban try to discreetly blend in far less pristine areas around the Qatari capital.
It has always been difficult for people to admit thet do not know something. In fact, the less secure a person is in his or her knowledge, the harder it becomes to utter these three little words. This was a trial faced by Islamic scholars of the past, and those who triumphed the easiest, were […]
Although the Muslim world is facing many crises today, probably none has more far reaching consequences than the crisis of education.
Oh guests of the Most Merciful! Oh fortunate ones! Oh travelers to the Haram! Congratulations on being invited by the Lord of the worlds! Be glad that He has invited you to His House! Not only that, but He has given you the provisions for travel and lodging. And not only that, but He has […]
A striking fact about civil wars is that the outcome is often clear months or even years before the war ends. Jefferson Davis knew he would lose the American Civil War after the fall of Atlanta, yet continued to fight to the end. Muammar Gaddafi almost certainly knew that he would lose the war in […]
For the first time after peaceful demonstrations of Sunni masses and few Shiite sides in Iraq, the Iraqi army opened fire on a group of protesters on the day of “Friday of No Return” in Fallujah city.
The current war France is waging on Islamists in Sub-Saharan Africa is not a war of necessity. It is rather an ugly war of arrogance and aggression, bearing a conspicuous whiff of traditional colonialism.
Many New Yorkers were shocked when they learned, during the holidays, that an Asian immigrant was deliberately pushed to his death in front of a subway train. Their shock turned into disgust when it turned out that the motive for the crime was ethnic hatred.
Some reports of the authorities suggest about 32% of people in south-eastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan of Iran are completely illiterate. If we count the number of literate who got only primary or middle classes; the rate of illiteracy goes up more.
Some people who believe in absolute territorial nationalism may content themselves with watching the slow-motion genocide in Syria unfold through their TV screens. They argue that what is happening in Bilad ash-sham is an internal Syrian matter and that any external interference or intervention is counterproductive and inexpedient.