Hazrat Mufti Saeed Sb Palanpuri (RH) one of the most popular Hadith and Fiqh scholars, commentator of several Madrasas syllabus and Islamic books, author of many religious books, head of faculty members and Shaikhul Hadith of Darul Uloom Deoband and my beloved teacher passed away on Tuesday 25 Ramazan 1441 Hijra/19 May 2020, at the time of Chasht in the age of 77 years, in Mumbai. May Allah (swt) forgive him and gift him a beautiful and lofty abode in Jannatul Firdaus. (Aameen)
Hazrat Mufti Sb (rh) was born in 1360 Hijra corresponding to 1940 A.D, in Kalerha, Distt. Banaskatha north Gujarat India.
When Hazrat Mufti Sb (rh) was five year old he commenced his educational journey from his dearly loved father Yusuf (rh). Later, his beloved father, sent him to the Maktab of Kalerha, where he acquired primary education from Maulana Daud Sb(rh), Maulana Habibullah Sb(rh) and Maulana Ibrahim Sb Junakiya (rh).
Having completed his Maktab education Hazrat Mufti Sb(rh) went to Chhapi accompanied by his maternal uncle Maulana Abdurahman Sb and took admission in Darul Uloom Chhapi, Gujarat and he studied there Persian language under his maternal uncle and other teachers. Then he took admission in the madrasa of Hazrat Maulana Nazeer Miyan Sb which is located in Palanpur city and studied basic Arabic books including Sharah Jami four years.
In 1377 Hijra/1958 A.D, he travelled to Saharanpur and got admission in Madrasa Mazahir Uloom and studied a couple of Mantiq and philosophy books. For higher education he took admission in Darul Uloom Deoband in 1380Hijra/1961A.D and studied Jalalain and Al-Fauzul Kabeer under Hazrat Maulana Naseer Ahmed Khan Sb (rh), first tow volumes of Hidaya under Hazrat maulana Sayyed Akhtar Hussain Sb Deobandi (rh). He completed his Fazeelat in 1382 Hijra/1962 A.D. with distinction marks. He did one year Ifta course. Alongside, he memorized the Glorious Quran. He worked as assistant Mufti under Mufti Mahmood Ahmed Nanawtawi(rh).
His teachers at Darul Uloom Deoband listed below:
(1) Hazrat Maulana Sayyed Akhtar Hussain Sb Deobandi(rh)
(2) Hazrat Maulana Basheer Ahmed Khan Sb Bulanshari(rh)
(3) Hazrat Maulana Sayyed Hasan Sb(rh)
(4) Hazrat Maulana Abdul Jaleel Sb Keranawi (rh)
(5) Hazrat Maulana Islamul Haque Sb Azami (rh)
(6) Hakeemul Islam Hazrat Mualana Qari Tayyeb Sb Deobandi (rh)
(7) Hazrat Maulana Fakhrul Hasan Sb Muradabadi (rh)
(8) Hazrat Maulana Zuhur Sb Deobandi(rh)
(9) Hazrat Mualana Fakhruddin Sb Muradabadi(rh)
(10) Hazrat Allama Ibrahim Sb Balyawi(rh)
(11) Hazrat Maulana Mufti Sayyed Mahdi Hasan Sb Shajahanpuri (rh)
(12) Shaihk Mahmood Abdul Wahhab Sb Misri (rh)
After graduation from Darul Uloom Deoband, he was selected as a teacher of higher education in Darul Uloom Ashrafiya Rander Surat Gujarat, where he started his teaching career. He taught translation of the Holy Quran, Abudaud Sharif, Tirmidhi Sharif, Shamail, Muatain, Nasai Sharif, Ibn-e-Maja Sharif, Mishkat Sharif, Jalalain Sharif, Sharah Aqaid, Hidaya and Husami etc.
He authored Darhi and Ambiya Ki Sunnatein, Huramat-e-Musahart in Urdu Al-Awnul Kabeer in Arabic etc. He wrote many articles and began to work on the books of Hujjatu Islam Hazrata Maulana Qasim Nanawtawi(rh).
Selection at Darul Uloom Deoban:
Hazrat Mufti Sb (rh) was selected as a teacher at Darul Uloom Deoband at the behest of Hazrat Maulana Manzur Nomani Sb(rh) in 1393 Hijra/1973 A.D. He taught many books of various sciences. He Tirmidhi volume 01, for a long time. Due to his easy method and well documented and lucid lecture, he was very popular among the students.
When Hazrat Maulana Naseer Ahmed Khan Sb (RH) resigned due to his declining health and illness, Hazrat Mufti Sb (rh) was selected as head of the faculty members and Shaikhul Hadith in 1429 Hijra/2008 A.D. He started teaching Bukhari Sharif regularly since 2009 the year in which this humble slave of Allah Almighty took admission in Daruloom Deoband. And he continued to teach it till 2020. During this period thousands of students all over the world got privelege to learn from him.
Scholarly Works:
Hazrat Mufti Sb (rh) authored several books on different topics. Below is a list of the books which have been published and gained popularity among Ulamas and students:
(1) Tafseer Hidayatul Quran
(2) Arabic Translation of Al-Fauzul Kabeer
(3) Al-Awnul Kabeer (Arabic Commentary to Al-Faizul Kabeer)
(4) Faizul Munim (Urdu Commentary to Muqaddama Muslim)
(5) Tuhfatul Al-Durr( Arabic Commentary to Nukhbartul Fikr)
(6) Mabadi Al-Falsafa
(7) Mueenul Falsafa
(8) Miftahu Al-Tahzeeb (Commentary to Tahzeebul Mantiq by Allama Taftazani (rh)
(9) Aasan Mantiq
(10) Aasan Nahw (two volumes)
(11) Aasan Sarf (three volumes)
(12) Mahfuzat (three valumes)
(13) Aap Fatwa Kaise Dein? (Commentary to Sharah Uqud Rasm-Al-Mufti)
(14) Kiya Muqtadi Par Fatiha Wajib Hai?
(15) Hayat Imam Abudaud(rh)
(16) Mashahir Muhaditheen and Fuqaha Keram awr Tazkerah Rawiyan Kutub Hadith
(17) Hayat Imam Tahawi(rh)
(18) Islam Tagayyur Pazeer Dunya mein
(19) Nubuwwat ne Insaniayat ko Kiya Diya?
(20) Darhi awr Ambiya ki Sunnatein
(21) Hurmat-e-Musaharat
(22) Tasheel Addila Kamila
(23) Hawashi Wa Anaween Izahul Addila
(24) Hawashi Imdadul Fatawa( Marginalia to Ashraf Ali Thanwi’s Imdadul Fatawa)
(25) Ifadat Nanawtawi
(26) Ifadat Rashidiya
(27) Rahmatullahil Wasiya (Commentary to Hujjatullahilbaligha)
(28) Tahzeebul Mughni
(29) Zubdatu-Al-Tahawi
(30) Kamil Burhan Ilahi
(31) Arabic Hashiya on Hujjatullahilbaligha
(32) Hadiya Sharah Kafiya
(33) Wafia Sharah Kafia
(34) Tuhfatul Almaee(Urdu Commentary to Tirmidhi Sharif)
(35) Tuhfatul Qari(Arabic Commentary to Sahihul Bukhari)
(36) Ilmi Khutbat
(37) Miftahul Awamil Sharah Sharah Miyat Aamil
(38) Ganjina Sarf Sharah Panj Ganj
(39) Irshadul Fuhum Shrah Sullamul Uloom
(40) Deen Ki Bunyadein Awr Taqleed Ki Zarurat
(41) Fiqh Hanafi Aqrab Ilannusus Hai
(42) Aasan Farsi Qawaid
(43) Mueenul Usul
(44) Mabadiul Usul
(45) Sharah Elal Al-Tirmidhi
(46) Muslim Personal Law Awr Nafqa Mutallaqa
Other Services
Besides teaching and peninng books, Hazrat Mufti Sb (RH) travelled to many countries and delivered there speeches and sermons and guided people to the right path. Particularly, he used to spend the month of Ramazan in the United States. And he would deliver there speeches on different topics. And at the end of his speech there used to be questions and answers session. People asked and posed their questions and he would answer them. His all speeches have been published namely “Ilmi Khutbat”.
Moreover, he participated in many seminars and religious congregations and presented his papers.
Honorary Certificate Presented to him by the president of India
It deserves to be mentioned here that Hazrat Mufti Sb (RH) was honored by the former president of India Pratibha Patil for his acknowledged expertise in Arabic.
Baiyat Wa Suluk:
Along with his teaching career, Mufti Sb(rh) linked himself to blessed chain of Tasawwuf Wa Suluk. He got Baiyat on the blessed hand of Hazarat Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Zakariya Sb (RH). And he was granted Khilafat by him. But due his humbleness he used to conceal it.
In short, Hazrat Mufti Sb (RH) possessed a very humble personality. He was gifted very strong memory by Allah Almighty. He was given unparalleled wisdom and intelligence by Him.
He dedicated his whole life to the remarkable services of Allah’s Book and His Prophet’s Ahadith. He served the Muslim Ummah selflessly.
May Allah accept his works and reward him profusely in the hereafter and may He grant him Jannatul Fridaus!
The writer is lecturer at Jamia Qasmia Arabia Kharod Baruch Gujarat