Shaikh Abdol-Hamid urged on the necessity of paying Zakah, calling it the biggest financial worship in his sermon of June 5, 2015 in Zahedan, Iran.
Talking to tens of thousands worshippers, Friday Imam and Khateeb of Sunnis said, “Allah Almighty wants to see His servants worshipping Him by various ways and in all aspects of life. We must worship Allah by heart, body and wealth.”
“Heart is the place of faith and tenets. Acting upon Islam begins by heart that impels the whole body to carry out the rulings and commands of Islam. People can worship Allah by deeds, morals, good behavior, deals and realizing the rights of Allah and His servants.”
The eminent Islamic scholar further said, “Worship is divided into some categories; either it can be done by heart like correct tenets and faith or by body like offering prayers and observing fast. While paying Zakah and donation is related to wealth. Donating on the path of Allah is a sort of worship.”
“A part from it, paying Zakah is moral worship too; because when you allocate some parts of your wealth for needy people, it would be considered a moral worship,” he added more.
Reciting the Noble Qur’anic verse: «خُذْ مِنْ أَمْوَالِهِمْ صَدَقَةً تُطَهِّرُهُمْ وَتُزَكِّيهِم بِهَا» (Take charity from their possessions to cleanse them and purify them thereby, and bless them.); [9: 103], Shaikh Abdol-Hamid said, “Zakah and donation for the sake of Allah make the person clean and remove his/her sins. It creates the good attribute of generosity too. Imam Ghazali says Zakah is the last border of stinginess; if you pay Zakah always, you are not a stingy person but at the line of stinginess. If you donate next to paying Zakah, you are away from the border of miserliness.”
He underlined, “Financial donations make people beloved to Allah. But if a person loves the worldly wealth more than anything as s/he denies to carry out the commands of Allah and pay Zakah, both people and their Lord would reject him/her.”
Alluding to the importance of Zakah and Salah (prayers), Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol-Hamid said, “Zakah is one of the five pillars of Islam. It has been mentioned, along with daily prayers (Salah), over seventy times in the Noble Qur’an. The one who shows laziness in prayers and Zakah, divine punishment is his upshot. The Qur’an tells us there is no difference between Salah and Zakah but the first one is related to body and the second one is a financial worship.”
Citing the Qur’anic verse «يَمْحَقُ اللهُ الْرِّبَا وَ يُرْبِي الصَّدَقَاتِ», he said, “Zakah increases the wealth. When people pay their Zakah in any society, their economic problems will be over. But showing negligence in this regard brings draught. It is the kind of needy people who receive Zakah of our income and wealth in fact; we must grateful. Charity and donation must not be followed by reproaches and affronts as the Almighty asks donators.”
At the end of this part of his sermon, Shaikh called on audience to not forget Islamic schools and seminaries which are eligible for receiving Zakah.
Founder of the revolution allotted land for Sunnis’ Masjid in Tehran
In another part of his speech, Khateeb of Sunnis alluded to the demise anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran and said, “He relayed on Allah and people to oust a tyrant, secular and imperial regime. Victory of the revolution depended on these two points.”
The outstanding Iranian Sunni leader further said, “When both late Mawlana Abdol-Aziz and Ayatollah Khomeini were admitted in a heart hospital of Tehran, Mawlana Abdol-Aziz met him and asked for allotment of a sufficient land for Sunnis’ Masjid; he agreed and issued an official command as the leader of the revolution. Next day the most-circulated newspapers published the news. But yet we have no Masjid in Tehran.”
He further said, “We hope the officials would take this case seriously; it is the need of the Iranian Sunni community. Its establishment would make the Islamic Republic and Shias proud enhancing fraternity and unity.”
Ahl-us-Sunnah believes Mahdi will be a ‘great reformer’
Khateeb of Sunnis pointed out to the mid-Sha’baan holiday and said, “Shia Muslims believe ‘Imam Mahdi was born on 15 Sha’baan. Both Shia and Sunni Muslims believe commonly that Mahdi would bring justice near of the Judgment Day.”
“Sunnis believe Mahdi has not yet been born. Although there is no any indication to emergence of Mahdi in the Qur’an, but many Hadiths tell us about him. He would be a great reformer, implementing Shari’ah and justice. Allah knows best the exact time of his birth, but according to Hadiths near of the Resurrection Day he would be born in the dynasty of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,” the prominent Islamic scholar added more.
Alluding to the false views on Mahdi among some Muslims, he said, “As far as Mahdi is concerned, some people go to extremes. There are weak Hadiths in the texts of Shias and Sunnis. Correct Hadiths are enough for us. We do not deny emergence of him as some people did and even they wrote books.”
At the end, he concluded his points by saying, “It is indisputable prophethood has been finished by the prophethood of the last messenger, peace be upon him, and Mahdi is only a reviver. So the best way is the moderate one and going to extremes is refused by all.”