Selected Sayings of Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid in Badr-ul-Uloom Religious School

Selected Sayings of Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid in Badr-ul-Uloom Religious School

Selected Sayings of Shaikh-ul-Islam Mawlana Abdol Hamid At the 22nd Ceremony Honoring Quranic Memorizers, Reciters, and Graduates of Badr-ul-Uloom Religious School, Zahedan – Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Divine Blessings

📌 All servants are surrounded by the blessings and mercies of the Lord, and all these blessings are created to benefit humanity in various ways.
📌 Spiritual blessings are the most significant gifts Allah has bestowed upon certain individuals.
📌 Faith and monotheistic belief are among the greatest spiritual blessings of Allah and the most valuable assets of every Muslim.

Quran and the Prophetic Way

📌 The Quran and the Seerah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are among the greatest treasures granted by Allah to Muslims.
📌 The Quran is a book of guidance and a transformer of human character.
📌 The Quran is a proof of the truth of Islam, the Prophethood of the Seal of Prophets, and the unity of the Muslim Ummah.
📌 Reciting, reflecting on, and pondering the verses of the Quran enhance one’s faith and certainty in its truth.
📌 The Quran teaches humanity the best faith, the soundest belief, and the loftiest morals.
📌 It is a book that guides humankind to Allah the Almighty and Paradise (Jannah al-Firdaus).
📌 Quranic memorizers and reciters should never recite the Quran for worldly gains, fame, or reputation but should always do so for Allah and with the intention of serving the Quran.
📌 Memorizing the Quran must not be neglected; forgetting it is a result of heedlessness.
📌 Quran teachers should take pride in their role, viewing it as an honor, and teach solely for Allah’s sake.
📌 The Quran must be taught and propagated among men, women, and all segments of society.
📌 The Quran should be extensively recited within the community. Recite it with the intention of implementing its teachings.
📌 Blessed are those who learn the Quran and act upon it.
📌 On the Day of Judgment, the Quran will complain to Allah against those who fail to act upon its teachings and commandments.
📌 The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the greatest and most compassionate mentor, a tremendous asset for Muslims and all humanity.
📌 The sayings (Ahadith) of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are his invaluable advice and must be read with the intention of practicing them.
📌 Building a connection with Allah and living for Him surpass all worldly possessions.


📌 Knowledge and education are light. Without acquiring knowledge, we cannot build a successful life or secure our Hereafter.
📌 Encourage your children to pursue education, gain expertise, and serve the community.
📌 Allah loves those who think of others’ spiritual and worldly well-being and work to benefit them.
📌 Scholars, Quranic memorizers, and reciters should remain close to the people and interact with them.
📌 There is no honor greater than worshiping the Creator and serving religion and humanity.


📌 Women constitute more than half of society and possess dignity and honor.
📌 Respecting women equates to respecting mothers, sisters, and wives.
📌 Until women in society are reformed and educated, the broader community cannot achieve reform.
📌 Women should not chase after adornments or material possessions but should pursue knowledge, ethics, and efforts to reform others.
📌 The honor of women lies in worshiping Allah and adhering to the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.

Reform and Purification

📌 Strive to reform yourselves and the society.
📌 Experience shows that associating with Tablighi Jamaat groups (The Islamic Preaching Movement) is highly beneficial.
📌 The connection between scholars and the Tablighi Jamaat is extremely vital and important.
📌 My advice to Tablighi brothers is to stay connected with scholars and seek their counsel and guidance.


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