In continuation of pressures on the staff of Darul-Uloom Zahedan’s media team, the security forces arrested Mawlavi Abdol-Hakim Shahbakhsh, a teacher of Darul-Uloom Zahedan, and an important member of Sunni Online, the official website of Sunni Community in Iran.
He was arrested in Zahedan on the way school on Wednesday morning, November 8, 2023.
Mawlavi Abdol-Hakim Shahbakhsh is also one of the editors of the Neday Islam Magazine.
He was active in Urdu and English section of the same website.
There is still no more information about the arrest of this social activist.
In the morning of the same day, the security forces arrested Mawlavi Saeed Fazlullahi another media activist in Dalgan County, a city nearby Iranshahr south of Sistan-Balochistan province.
The continued arrest of the media team of Darul-Uloom Zahedan is aimed to put more pressures on social activists in Sistan and Baluchistan. It seems that the authorities want to limit the activities of independent social Medias in this province.