Qualities of Mawlana Abdol-Hamid have made him popular on the national level. He is grand Sunni scholar in Iran. He enjoys fame and reputation among the common people as well as official sides. President of Darululoom Zahedan resolves regional crises, political issues, long differences and big disputes in society. He is a good choice for resolving regional issues and disputes.
I would like to mention here three remarkable qualities of Mawlana Abdol-Hamid as I know.
- Piety/taqwa causes him to tell the truth bravely and express his opinions openly, regardless to any threat or interest. When he feels to take a stand on something, he explains the issue honestly.
Staying during Ramadan in mosque for worship and sitting for ‘I’tikaf is one of his features which shows his piety and strong connection with the Almighty.
Mawlana Abdol-Hamid is more spiritual than politician; it appears from his words, as he delivers speeches and advises people to fear Allah and obey His commands always and everywhere. - Tolerance. Actually Mawlana Abdol-Hamid is an open-minded public figure. He lives in Sistan-Baluchistan, a province with Sunni majority. This province shares border with Pakistan and Afghanistan and it has always been threatened by extremism. Despite Sunnis are the majority in Baluchistan, but they have been deprived from their due rights and the way for violence is paved. But Mawlana Abdol-Hamid urges on peaceful co-existence with Shias and struggling for due rights by legal and peaceful channels. He criticizes higher officials and endures difficulties in this way.
- Avoiding personal, tribal and sectarian bias. Different tribes live in Baluchistan; Mawlana Abdol-Hamid never tried to select his near relatives for government posts as some appointments have been finalized by his approval and recommendations.
The final point: Mawlana Abdol-Hamid is not an innocent person without possible mistake, but his sincerity and honesty caused people follow him. He enjoys a great charisma as millions of people inside and outside of Iran corroborate his words and opinions. His decision can make any candidate president of Iran or push him back.