Since Ayatollah Khomeini called the last Friday of Ramadan on 7th August 1979 the “Al-Quds Day”, there had been marches and rallies in support of the Palestinians and in order to liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Quds every year, except this year due to the spread of COIVD 19.
It doesn’t matter to me that how much these rallies weakened the Israeli regime and how it was effective in uniting Palestinians and Muslims. But the point is that if these slogans don’t have international support or logical reason then what will be their benefits?
In 1982, Mullah Mahmoud Qorbani was told by a non-local staff member of the Grand Islamic Center: “We have to liberate Al-Quds”. He replied: “First, go and clean the village of Torivar; you will be let off Al-Quds.”
I mention this, to make clear that how Jerusalem can be freed when there are disputes among Muslims; al-Quds will never be liberated as long as the ISIS and Takfiris are among the Islamic Ummah who do not tolerate others and order Muslims to kill each other. It is enough to compare the statistics of the Palestinians killed in Iraq, Syria and Jordan with Israel to show that Israel has killed lesser.
On the other hand, is it possible to uproot the Israeli regime whenever there are division and disputes among the Islamic countries and Muslims? The biggest effective element to liberate Palestine is unity of Muslims. Unity means recognition of each other and observance of the due rights of minorities by the majorities and implementation of justice.
How can Sunnis believe the [Iranian] authorities would liberate al-Quds while they are deprived of the right of a mosque in Tehran? Now, assuming that if Jerusalem is liberated by Iran then will Sunnis be allowed to have a mosque there?
Of course, I myself do not believe in separation of mosques into Shiites and Sunnis; this heresy was created by the Safavids. I do not even believe that there should be a specific Imam in mosques, but that anyone who reads the Holy Qur’an more fluently can lead prayers, or like Oman, where mosques are not for the followers of a particular sect or religion. Whoever stands first, will lead the prayers.
On the last Friday of this year, when the “Quds Day” march is not taking place and the Supreme Leader scheduled to deliver a speech, the officials are expected to issue an order to build a mosque for Sunnis in Tehran called “al-Quds” or “al-Aqsa” mosque in order to make Muslims happy and defeat Israelis. This will be the biggest step towards the liberation of al-Quds. After Omar bin Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, and Salahuddin Ayyoubi, may have mercy on him, they will be the third leader to enter Jerusalem.
*The writer is an Iranian Kurdish Sunni activist, former member of the Islamic National Assembly of Iran and professor at the Tehran University
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