For the first time I acquainted Baluchs from the sharp-sighted eyes of late Molawi Abdol-Malek. However, none of nations enjoys positive characters or negative ones hundred percent; Baluchs are not excluded from this classification.
But I love Baluchs overall, because of their purified hearts, hospitality and sincere prayers (Salah). The climate is in wrath to this nation but it has never been ingratitude with the Creator of the universe. Although they are considered ‘strangers’ in their motherland, but they have never been crabbed with invited and uninvited guests.
These Baluchs reach in friendship to the climax of honesty and pity. Their self-esteem is unexampled. They are patient and contended and in the same time fearless and daring. Their tolerance has a limit, but they should be perceived. They are very humble and submissive and in the same time self-possessed and well-grounded. When you sit in their meetings, you think to be a great scholar. But when they get chance to speak, you feel you are a student before them.
By God, it is regrettable to behave with these pure people unjustly and consider them strangers unreasonably. There have been many talents of these Baluchs unutilized after the Revolution and there were not used in the development of the country.
Baluch does not speak much but thinks a lot. According to the statistics, the average of employing Baluch citizens comparing with others in Sistan-Baluchistan University (in Zahedan) is very less, as well as in the rest of offices and public departments. In the cross-way of Iran to democracy and development cannot be careless about this oppressed nation’s viewpoints and thoughts.
In expressing pains and problems, Baluchs do not need writers like me. But the sense of fairness and humanitarianism demands that I should be proud of friendship with Baluchs always and feel their pains and consider myself one of them.
Baluchistan! I love you with your Taftan Mountain, with your exiled surviving Kurd, with your sky-blue sea, with your palms and sad songs, with your heart-beating tune of your memorizers of the Qur’an and with your tall minarets of your Grand Makki mosque.
O Baluchs! I love you because you deserve to be loved. May you stay painless and elated all the time. I hope Homa bird of justice and equality would sit on your shoulder in a day and the nightingale of happiness and joy would hum on the roof of your home.
By Dr. Jalal Jalalizadeh (a Kurdish Sunni scholar, professor at Tehran University and ex-member of the Iranian parliament)
Translated into English by SunniOnline English team