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hijab2The God almighty has created the world in the most beautiful shape. Tendency to beautification has been gifted to the human being as part of his nature.

Islam respects this natural will and allows the man and woman to adorn. It particularly realizes the woman’s ultra enthusiasm for ornament. That is why she is allowed to wear jewelry and dress in some particular colours while the man is prohibited. However, unnatural adornment that is in opposition with human nature and causes a change in God’s creation is prohibited in Islam. However, the woman should keep some points in mind when she goes for adornments that are as follows:
1- Avoid attracting any strange man to themselves.
2- Avoid assimilating to non-Muslims or those who are of bad character.
3- Avoid those ornaments that are dangerous or harmful to health.
4- Avoid wearing see-through and body-fit dresses.
5- Avoid over-spending on adornment.
6- In Islam the woman’s beautification and adorning should be practiced for the husband not for public show.

By: Reza Rakhskani
Abbreviated by: Nedaye Islam Magazine