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rel_pieIslam is the last and selected religion that the Almighty has chosen for guidance of human being. It is an order consisting of laws on different dimensions of life. There is a large collection about religious beliefs, moral values, social related affairs, civil and judicial rules and regulations in the holy Qur’an and the sayings of the holy prophet. Islam is a universal religion that addresses all groups, races, nations and layers of human society and calls all of them to worship the Almighty, warning them about Sherk. It holds revelation, wisdom and knowledge as the main criteria of human life.

Islamic worship encompasses prayers, fasting, pilgrimage of the holy place in Mecca and paying Zakat that are to be observed for moral elevation and spiritual manifestation.
Besides, Islam emphasizes on the observance of ethic principles calling them complementary of faith for all Muslims so that they could transform their individual and social life into a heaven where they would feel happiness and success.

By: Abdul Aziz Noamani
Abbreviated by: Nedaye Islam Magazine