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Iran: A Sunni Scholar Decries State Media

A prominent Iranian Sunni scholar has denounced the role of the state-run TV channels and some ‘so called Sunni Ulama’ on the martyrdom anniversary of Hussein bin Ali, may Allah be pleased with them.

A report of ‘SunniOnline’ suggests that Mawlana Muhammad Hussein Gorgij, Friday Imam of Sunni Muslims in Azadshahr city in northern Iran, has decried strongly some ‘so called’ Sunni Ulama overwellaway for Hussein bin Ali, unlike the basic tenets of the Sunni school of thought.

Previously, the provincial state TV channel of Golestan province showed some men of the Sunni community mourning as the traditional Shias do and beat on their chests to mourn the martyrdom of Hussein bin Ali.

Criticizing the Sunni Ulama mourned on TV, Mawlana Gorgij said, “Mourning and beating on chests are not the tenets of Sunnis; none of Sunni sects verify such acts. The men who appeared on TV mourning like Shias, either they are ignorant or insinuators who just want to gain any post and position. We don’t consider such people ‘Sunnis’ who are not loyal to any sect.”

Following the strong protest of Shaikh Gorgij, some websites of extremist Shias, the state-run TV channels and a private religious satellite TV channel based in Qom, attacked on the leading Sunni leader.

Sources: SunniOnline.us & Gorgij.net