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A Quick look at Preventive Medicine in the Teachings of Islam

medicineA quick look at issues related to preventive medicine in Islamic teachings, will make our attention to the fact that this religion focuses on every aspect of human life, and considers all his needs. In the area of preventive medicine it has also very useful directions.

Looking into Qur’an and Hadith as two undeniable sources of Islam as well as the practical life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), we realize that if the instruction of this divine are followed and its laws are properly implemented, a great portion of problems that the humanity are facing with them today will be eliminated from the human society.
Because Islam strives for the health and excellence of body and soul, and purification of both of them, as a high spiritual value and an efficient administrative system it can assist medical science in preventing various diseases.
In implementing a healthy lifestyle program, the emphasis of Islam is on regulating and adjustment of all aspects of life. In fact, Islam is a religion which has program for human beings from birth till death and at the same time does not prevent the progress of mankind, but accompanies and supports him to the highest level of growth expected from him.
To discover what Islam teaches, the Qur’an and Hadith should be studied. Some of the researchers have divided the issues related to preventive medicine in Islam into two parts: “teachings related to personal health” and “teachings related to environmental and public health”.
The first section includes personal hygiene to prevent infectious diseases, and personal care to prevent from diseases. The second part covers areas such keeping the environment clean and preventing it from pollution; health principles for non-proliferation of epidemics; nutrition; sexual hygiene; prevention from social damage and accidents; and mental health.
In short, the features of Preventive Medicine in Islam can be outlined as such: 1-priority, 2- validity and correctness, 3- required condition and validity, 4- simplicity and easily implementation, 5- implementation at individual level, 6- comprehensiveness, 7- (first preventive), 8- continuity, 9- principles of preventive medicine of Islam.

By: Abd-ur-Rahim Afkhamzade